
Friday 11 November 2011


Hello hello ! ^_^ ! I'm very happy right now. Mood damn pretty good ohh! :D
Went to school today. Not much peeps as what I had expected.
But not that boring as what I expected! HAHAHAHA :)

I passed my periods before recess in SMJKCH.CC :P
Until recess had my breakfast - TOM YAM @ canteen with friends.
I'm very regret to bought it as my breakfast. It make my throat more worse :(

Ponteng every classes after recess. Just to stay inside classroom and play!
Muahahahaha! They keep playing about CAMERA ! :D
Photos will be upload soon stay turned ppl ! 

We had lots of cam-whored and jokes!
I love the feel so much so much seriously :)))) *wheeeee!

Played killer @ the last period. LOL ! Fun ^_^

I'm still wondering should I go school on next week.
But actually I already told myself today will be my last day.
But I wanna go school to have fun with them lehh :/ *confusing.
Whatever as today is FRIDAY babyyyy! Still got two days to think.

Not goin to Seoul Garden with them 2moro. I'm so sorry VAN ! 
Because gonna attend another important event. sigh good luck in your work :)
I hope you wont get disappoint seriously.
And I want you to go genting so badly. Nojoke. I know you want to go too.
But .. ... .... ! I hope can change date. I tried my very best to asked them  but failed. I'm sooooo SORRY :( SORRY !!! *sighhhhhhhhh!

Actually I don't felt that what's so special about 11.11.11 seriously.
Tell me if there are 13.13.13 :D !

But I love today seriously no joke.
I tot I will passed my day alone and with my emo-ness.
But I'm totally wrong! Thkiuuuuuuu! Everyone who came into my life today!
With lots of love here ! xoxo <333333 :D !!

Should be 214th day / 7 months with you.
But it became 78th day without you. 
Still rmb our promise in this date - 111111? :')

xoxo !

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