
Monday 21 November 2011

Wedding dinner.

 20.10.2011 , I went to a wedding dinner. My cousin's wedding.
What a nice date :3 ! And it held at Petaling Jaya.
The Club @ Bukit Utama :)

It was like already few month I never attend any wedding dinner.
Seem always only my dad and mum went. I will only stay home.
HAHA! Okay still the same. Never change. I means the style :P

My freaking long fringe. I wanna cut it into bang again. Should I ? 

I'm sick. So many foods I cant eat. Only those vegetable , fish ... etc.
zzzZzz ! Octopus. I still rmb the 1st time I ate and I vomited out -.-
HAHA! Look so GELI ._.

This is my beloved grandma <3 ! It's her birthday tooooooo!
Happy Birthday ILY soooo muchhhh in my heart but I never tell you.
HAHAHAHA! :3 Loveeeeeeeee ! ^_^

Am waiting the dinner start. So longggggggg :(
So hungry already.

Lovely one ! :3

 The bride and the groom! So prettyyyyy the bride. *winks

She wore a short fake hair after that. Omggg look so real.
I have an idea on my wedding next time! LOL :P


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