
Wednesday 30 November 2011

Last day of #NOVEMBER

Wooohooo I just realized today and the time really passed freaking FAST!
When I read back my 1st post in november. 
Awwww this month is an OUTING month! SHOPPING FTW ! :D
And of cause , my money part. BROKE !! TT 

 As today, we went Time Square :) 
HAHA! Long time never went there. Half-year ago? I think so :/
Only 4 of us today! HAHA ! *winks.

We used almost half-an hour , to wait our prince RONG TSU !!!
LOL! At least he came at last. OKAYYYYYY! :)
So we started our plan @ 12.30pm.

Wangsa Maju - Dang Wangi. Walked a distance road, to Bukit Nanas Monorail.
And we took WRONG monorail back to CHOW KIT! #LMAO!
So someone realized and we went down.
Took again monorail from CHOW KIT to IMBI! (Y)

FINALLY! We reached ts @ 1.30pm ! 1 hour to there @.@
HAHAHAHA Our stupid false.

Had a walk and cam-whored before the time reached to meet friends!
Christmas decoration again (Y) !!! ^_^

ROCK! 4 of us. They were CRAZYYYYYYYYYY! LMAO!

 Went starbucks. We still have quite a lots times. 
Elycia ordered a cup of CAFFEINE ! 

And we sat down there. Waiting time to pass. LOL!

Here a story to tell you guys :)

ELYCIA SANG GET HYPER after she drank 2 cups of her CAFFEINE !
LOL ! Moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy FLYYYYYY ! :D

 UGLY !!!!!!! Say hello ^_^

Had a talk with our 'friends' @ starbucks for an hour. I guess.
Yes almost :( ! It make us late. And rushinggg all the time.
Btw , we got some knowledge about JOBS :) *winks!

Wanna go buy my spec but fail. Because tooo hungry -.-
As I only ate a APPOLLO CAKE for my breakfast. So regret TT!

So we walked around finding foods to eat.
Not too expensive as all of us now are saving money ._.

At last we went KIM GARY :)

The 1st time I had my lunch here. Not bad. HONG KONG!

LOL! Freaking LOTS of MENU !!!!! Idk whyyyy -__-

We used different 4 papers to ordered our foods. GOSH! zzz

Sooooooooooo hungry. Cant wait :(

And here come the foods! HAHAHA!

Our mission : use half an hour to reach back WANGSA MAJU LRT!
Muahahahahahahaahha SAY YESSS ^_^

 We ran all the wayyyy :) What a 'nice' experience ? x)

Guess this will be my last outing with friends in NOVEMBER!
LOL! Okay I'm so sure because few more hours to DECEMBER ^_^
Cant waittttttttttttttt! loveeeeeeee :D

 She is my new friend ^_^ nice to meet youuuuuuuuu :D


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