
Tuesday 26 April 2011

3 more weeks ...

2 weeks exam . Need to pass 3 mondays ! Exam list came out today.
wootssss! aleluyahhhhhhhh!
Great that i havent start to touch my books at all .

Paper 1 , Paper 2 and Paper 3 ! omgee idk what's that at all.
What experiment bla bla bla ! 
Pure science , add math really pissed me off and killed me badly.

Today is TUESDAY! 3 more daysss to go only! HEHE!
As i said always , time really passed so fast! 
I'm waiting you back ! :D

Thks for ur call everyday <3 

Hmm , 2moro will be a messy day for me .
I need to carry my boots *imagine the mass ! =/
Until 8pm ! I back home . DAMN!

Got a formal dress rehearsal 2moro! All goes well ! :)
I'm tooooo free after 3.30pm 2moro ! Hello ppl date me yoo :P

Ohh yaa , had a short duty today. For our school net ball competition.
Kap zaiiii of cos ! xD wow their hair ! Long like hell!
Those boy were like very lan yeng! GOSH hello please la -.-


*I'm countdown-ing , 3 more weeks after the stupid exam ! :D

Kem Gabung , make me excited and nervous ! ROFL!


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