
Friday 8 April 2011

Feel Good =)

Today i smiled whole day . Finally , no feeling sad in a day!
HAHA! For no reason. Maybe i don't have to face those subject i hate!
Maybe today is friday ! Maybe today no homework! 
Whatever laa. I'm HAPPY ! :D

Today recess time, went 4S1 , and sang birthday song to SOOK HUI!
Happy Birthday yooooooo! :D
Hehe ! Kian Lu's guitar very luiii one! waited he for so long.

Btw, today many ppl bring their guitar to school.
I saw above 5 guitars wow. They are busying playing with it.
So sorry that I make dao xiao didi cant eat his lunch until wei tong
-_____- ! *yourfalsetoo.

During BI lesson , we came out and checked our eyes.
As our school got a free check up. By FOCUS POINT!
HOHO ! 闪光50度 ONLY! :P ...not bad ! My eyes are so healthy!

After school , went DIY activity for awhile only. 
Just wanna get the sign. Then chat with them! FUN! :D

Accompany Sze Xuan to prima buy KAWATEA.
Thks Jun Rong for the umbrella ! You're just too good :P

Reached tuition @ 3pm. Guitar again @.@ LMAO!
Xuan very happy today ! ithinkso.
Because got ppl talk with she liao ! wow wow!

Van finally came back to tuition as she sicked 2 days.
Heeeeee :D

I <3 today ! seriously ! You will not know the real reason =D
Teeeeheeee !

Tomorrow have activity ! 
I need arrive to Karmen's house @ 6.30am.
And got an outing after activity. 

I hope everything will be good. Excited !! :D

huhu! xD

Ohhhhh yaaa , since yesterday i rmb this game all of a sudden.
Now all my friends are playing it! AGAIN! :P

I want PK with Xmiin , Hui Yi and Ang ang ! wait meeeee ;)

*gtg , wait my outing post 2moro. hohoho !
with <3


Love, isn't just about the words but the meaning behind it. 

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