
Wednesday 27 April 2011

What Cafe .

A simply update here as i'm very sleepyyy now !
I wanna sleep @ 10pm ! Yesh seriously no joking :D

Okay what we did today ? 
Actually got a rehearsal today . But DDLY again!
So changed to 2moro! I need to stay back again! ARGH!
Pek Cek one you know ?? I wasted my whole day today!
Haha! With ang ang , sze xuan , jessie , karmen, daniel and jun rong.

1st time we went here . New opened one ! :)
Actually i'm very full that time :P
Ate 1 bowl of mango ice and rojak ! :D

Let's photo do talking . 

 Sze Xuan and Karmen. They just accompany us go there.
No order at all :P

 Yea , i wearing the stupid boots ! -.- *my leg pain like hell!

 Ang ang ! :D

 Daniel ! :)

 The vase for us to draw ! whee wang wang :D

 Jessie :)

 They were PK ing the chinese chess. 

 Sze Xuan! :)

 Jun Rong :)

 Look like very luen shui hor ? x)

 Just me keep capturing those photosss.

 Karmen :)

Heeeeeee! Some sad stuff happened today.
I hope you two are okay now .
Cheer and chill always , and everything will be okay <3

waaa i like this pic so much! Macam very got feel hor ? :P

 Drawing the vase , but i guess we failed our drawing ? ;O

 See itu 38 jessie -.-

 This one more 38 ==

 Daniel's hand ! Drew by me !!! HEHE :D

 Oh ya , ordered nugget as our high tea? Just wanna waste money .

 Here i show you our drawing :P
 Daniel Ng one !

 Jessie Teo one :)

 Cheng Xuan one ! :)

 And mine one ! hohoho ;D

 xixi ! i love this pic so muchii yoo! Profile picha aa jessie ~

To someone , From someone !

 This pic YENG aaaa! <3

Today ANG ANG followed us to tuition. He got a free tuition class.
HAHA!  now he can know how tired are we during all the time =/

Btw , we added 4 new friends for the lonely tortoise ! 
Their name was - Xiao Jing , Xiao Hong , Xiao C and Xiao Y ! :D
Welcome them !!! *clap! 

We gonna bring them to school everyday. No worries yooo!

Ohhhh , we failed a thing again! 

Our PLANNNNNNN! D: *sighhhhhh!

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