
Monday 11 April 2011


This is all about my last saturday story =)

Went wangsa walk with Jessie, Daniel, Karmen, XiJian, JunRong and HuiYi after kadet's activity.

Before that, Karmen, Jessie and I went Daniel's house for a bath.
Daniel said he 1st time bring 3 girls back home as his mum @ home too.

Xi Jian met us after he bath @ his own house.
We were rushing all the time. I just used 5mins for my bath.

Our movie start @ 1.50pm.
While we reached his house was already 12.45pm !
1.30pm , no more time for us to wait the bus.
So we took taxi ! =S

Btw, I'm DAMN HUNGRY ! No breakfast and lunch!
My look of the day :)
Huhu . Xi Jian ! :P
Walking to the bus stop.
They two keep walking without waiting us ! -.-
The 4th time i took taxi with friendssss! :D
Jessie - She still wearing QM's shirt ! *dirtygirl :P
Karmen and Daniel.
Daniel try to capture 4 of us but failed ! *tsk tsk x)
Take 2 ! HAHA! Abit K shui ! Daniel profile picha ! xD
Xi Jian seat infront ! lonely . haha . btw he look tired.

Hmmph , we reached wwm @ 2pm ! Already late 10mins.
But still okay for us actually. But you know what?
No more seattt !!! -_- !

LMAO! So all of us decided watch 'HOP' ! About rabbit :D
7 ticketss! :)

Hui Yi and Jun Rong met us @ 3pm. They got meeting.

So before the movie start, we go lunch !
OMG finally !!! D: ... A&W!

wooohooooo very hungryyyyyy!
Karmen always eat ppl's foods :P *joke joke !

After ate a bugger , i felt too full again @.@ LMAO!

Chatted with them and waiting the time passed.

3pm - HOP!
Bunnyyyyyy! :P
Ohhh yess! This is the movie we wanna watch!
Omg how cute the rabbit was ! Same as me :P
Daniel !!

Not bad ! 3/5 stars for the movie.
Heeeeeee! I want the candy world !!! geeeeee.
Karmen and I was like , WAAAAAAAA! while saw the candy world.

Finished the movie @ 5pm , then went popular.
Xi Jian and Jun Rong wanna buy books for their student.

Macam yesh right ? x)
wow the crab so cute ;P hahahaha!

Cam-whore inside the popular while waiting them.
Daniel ! :)
Jessie :)
Hui Yi ! :)
Promoting the popular's booksss! -.-
Karmen! :)

Jun Rong ! :)
Like See ! :)
Or Xi Jian or Xiao DiDi ! :P hahaha whatever ~.~
 Btw, i look very short in this photo ! Yes JUST IN THIS PIC!
-_- !
The two TALL guysss! always bully one ! xD
I love PAKTUO with Jessie Teo always !! <3

Wanna had secret recipe cake as my high tea one!
But failed !!! yerrrrrrrrrrr! No place for us to sit !
... TT *iduncareyoumustbelanjameonewholecakenexttime :P

So had HOT AND ROLL as our high tea.
We always are the 38-ness ppl :D
Heeeheee! waiting the hot and roll stuff. so long one !
Hui Yi pek cekk already aaa xD
I love this picha much! *My twitter profile picha yoo jessie ! haha!
Kissing . ulala!
Dang dang ! After 5 mins ...

 whee wang wang! Thks xiao didi help me captured this photo!
Really thk you yooo! You dunno how fish am I while taking this pic.
The stupid workshop man !!! arghhhhh!

Conclusion , had fun with them with a big smile ! =)
Although it's not a PREFECT DAY for me!
Hope can go out with you all again !! next time next time :D
*dunaskmewhathappenedinsidethecinema -.- LOL

TIREDDDDD! I hate sun burnnnn !

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