
Friday 1 April 2011

April's Fool !

Wow wow ! April's Fool today yoooooo! How's ur day ppl?
My day is full of lies. IDK which one should i belive. LMAO!
The 1st ppl who make me bluffed was LEE HONG GUAN!
Sighhhhhhhhhhhhh stupid me ! -____-
Btw , i'm not bad toooooo! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Seriously many ppl bluffed by OPY ! Yes it's ME ! wooohooooo!
Geng lehhhhh. Just a simply sentence.
xxx find you just now. He/She call you find back He/She.

If you x kena , dat's ur luck ! :P

 As what ching ming jie is , 2moro goin duty @ 4am !
SOHHHHHHH! Actually i tot will be very fun one.
But after they told me that those ppl will scold us with rude words.
Or got GHOST at there ... something bla bla bla. I felt so scare!

TT ... I hope everything be okay 2moro.
And i'm gonna to sleep @ 9am later ! *winks! No joke .

Yi Jing put her birthday's date as today ! But i'm so clever.
Because i'm her true friend! I know when is her bufday.
Proud of it.

Van put in a relationship tooooo.
But i'm her true friend, i know she was lie ing . huhuhu !

This's what a TRUE FRIEND be <3

But you will not know , my status @ facebook about,
If you like my status , you will get a lolipop from me! hahahhahaha!
More 'like' please !! :P

Last , I would like to tell you , dun belive what's my post had said.
Just ingore. Because it's a LIE ! lalalalalala :P

*Happy April's Fool ppl ! :D

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