
Sunday 17 April 2011

Merendas Desa ' 2011

Reached skul @ 6am and went to Kepong's field @ 7am by bus.
It's started to rain in the early morning.
But luckily it stopped at last.

A cold whether . 

Wheee! Saya rumah BIRU punya :D

The floor were wet wet one ! Ewwwww i need to sit on the floor.
I never bring a extra pant laa . 
But still , you have to sit ! -.-

 Queue up ... And did some warm up exercise .
 Maggie mee as my lunch!

Oh ya , at last i decided not to run . Just walk with them!
They need me to accompany :P hahahaha!
So i promised. I bring my camera along.
 Before started ...

 Wohoooooo! Jia you jia you x)

 Look at the sky ... black in colour . goin to rain again!

 3.5km is waiting us to finish it :D

 Some running , some walking just like us :P

 Xmiin ! :D

 Jessie :D

 Kar Yee :D

4 of us keep laughing , chatting , capturing ... 

 Yoyo ! I sambil paktuo sambil walk :P
My love - Jessie Teo ! heeeeeeee <3

 Please don't jealous us yoooo x)

 OMG wehyyyyy so nice right ? ;D
Scenery was awesome @ there. 
Those runner dunno how to appreciate one :P
 On the half way liao .
I'm waiting guyss ... they very slow one looo =.=

 HAHA! What face is this jessie teo ? x)

 whee wang wang . All the way i just using my camera.

 Finally i saw them ! wow wow . Captured many photoss of them.

 Finally i reached -.- ! LOL

 Yesh ! We ENDED UP our journey ! :D

 Seem like goin to rain again ...

 Pei Zhen :)

 Hui Li and Fern ! :D

 From left , Yi Jing , Hui Li ,OPY , Fern ! <3

 As what i said , it really RAIN AGAIN!
NOT small rain like just now but it's DAMN HEAVY RAIN!

 Luckily i bring my umbrella -__- ! 

 Ehem ! haha! It's from KARMEN's tweet laaaaaa! :P
OMG! You really cant imagine how cool was it.

没有教养的人 只会争先恐后的上巴士 就好像2012世界末日酱
看到巴士好像看到自己的生命有救 @.@
那种场面 恐怖到 ... =S

Stand there at least 30 mins . Just for waiting A BUS !
I dun really wanna fight with them. Just let's them go 1st ...
反正都湿到完了 就让它继续湿吧

这种场面 不是人人都能体会到 只有中华学生 哈哈哈哈哈
我们应该感谢。 XD

当时的我 脑里都是一个字 : 冷 ! @.@
goshhhhhhhh! keep shaking . I know he tooo :/
Everyone tooooooooooo! Included headmaster ! hahahaha!

When i went into the bus , i was like , phewwwwww FINALLY!!!!

Reached school , changed my shirt immediately. Beh Tahan!

Waited the rain stopped , went mian dui mian.
With Daniel , Xi Jian , Karmen , Xmiin and Jessie :)

Before that went Daniel's house for a while .
Yay the 3rd time i went to his house . hehe!

我的鞋子严重水灾 ! -_- 

Ohhh ya , after went mian dui mian ...
The 1st time i went into WCG! wooohooooooo!
Cant imagine right ? x)

Just go in and see daniel playing his CS !
Boring + Sleepy ! arghhhhhhh!

At last i walked back to skul with xi jian and karmen!

Conclusion : 不错的体验 很失败的一个越野赛跑
给了校方一个教训 以后要学会看天气报告 =S

哈哈哈 谢谢你 所为我做的一切 :D

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