
Sunday 24 April 2011

Happy Easter Day.

Sorry ppl . I failed to update my post about saturday one.
Or even those pics to facebook.
I'm seriously no time . I went out today since @ 9am today.
And just reached home with my tiredness. 

Abit headache now. Have to sleep early.
Mondayyyyy 2moro ! It's will be a sad week for me =(
Because he is not around this week . A week without he.

My week is full of many plans :P

And i failed to study again. Many subjects are waiting me.
I dunno where should i start 1st ! GOSH!
And i done my add math homework today ! *winks!

Next Monday until Friday also fully books ! wootsssss.
Busyyyy again =/ 

Just had a 1 hour called with he <3
It will be our last call in APRIL.
1st time we chatted so long through phone. I will miss he badly.
Takeeeeee kkkkkkkk ! :D

See you @ 1st of MAY ! heeeeeeee :D
I belive that i still can live without you !


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