
Tuesday 5 April 2011

清明节快乐 ! :P

After meeting , went 面对面 with ang ang, jessie and daniel.
Had lunch @ there.

Actually dated Leslie Chew and JK one ! D: 
I'm soooo sorry . 

Felt so guilty ! wuwuwu !

Okay come back here. 
Ordered a bowl of pan mee and ABC from sarawak!
:P hahahaha!

Very full aaaaa! And i tell you hor , itu daniel very CUTE one loooo!
He like to eat spicy food until cry non stop infront of us always !
Not the 1st time he did ! 

Here some photos to show you now! :D
 My 1st photo with he ! HOHOHOHO! :D

LOL i also dunno why he look soo sad ? x(

 Jessie Teo ! *blur liao!

 Take 2 ! <3

Went KK for buying someone's birthday present.
But failed laa. Just played inside ! x.x haha!

Back to skul @ 3pm and met sot gang to tuition @ 3.30pm.
Oh ya , rain heavily all of a sudden .
So we sat @ the car park to wait others.
Just like a beggar !

OMG karmen fung curi curi captured one . shhhhhhh!
Okay laa i admit i seriously very tired.
I keep counting the time over. 


 Physic suck laaaaaa teacher ! =(

Sze Xuan more geng! Standing also can sleep one ! HAHAHAHA!

Tomorrow is a new day for me . *again!
Now i feel so bored while facing those text books.
I think i should change my mind again ! =/ 

Ohhhhh , luckily i found back my SPBT text book !!!!
Thk God ! :) *phewwwww!

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