
Saturday 4 February 2012


Those photos above is from YY's Iphone! Just shared out here :)

The 1st day of February - Wednesday.
Wilayah holiday for us. 
So we decided went out for house visit one-by-one :P

We planned everything. Met up with them in the early morning.
Had our breakfast together at Sri Rampai.

Some of them were late. I said forever no time management one.
Hahahahaha! :P

Dai Lou VS Blindman ! LMAO

After breakfast , the 1st station we went was WILSON's house.
See what's Jessie doing?! zzz

Adui! KES BERGADUHAN ! :/ tsk tsk tsk

Jessie Teo!

Daniel Ng!

Chessssssssssssss! ^_^

His mum is toooooooo enthusiasm seriously.
So many foods and drinks, keep calling us to finish! HAHA

The group photo in YY's house :D

I look this photo so much idk why. 
Look so nature! And everyone are smiling :)

The outfit of the day.
All of us are wearing the t-shirt who got from 'yesterday' one.
Due to the GAME!

Walked to air panas's bas stop #likeaboss!

Took bus to our 2nd station - PRIMA ! :D

Here a story. Because of our wilson teh walked too fast.
So he dunno that we never use the flyover to cross over the road.
Leave him alone ! HAHAHAHAHA XD !

Inside the life also must CRAZY one! x)

My mirror broke :(( ! Because I'm tooo pretty! Oppsss :/

Never forgot to GAMBLING of course! ^_^
'IN BETWEEN' is so nice to GAMBLE ! :D

Our 2nd station - Daniel's house :)
Group photo!

We went down his playground and cam-whored.
All photos inside his I-phone :P

Because of our time's problem, so we need rushed to 3rd station.
Not a short distance you know?! 20mins I think -.-
This is the worst moment we had in the day no joke TT

Had our lunch at Ah Ring's house ^_^
Thks to his mum :3

Group photo is our 3rd station ! :D

Gambled and chit-chatted. Walked to our 4th station.

It would be our SHA SHA's house :D
All of us were CRAZY because of this game! Muahahahaha!
你在 BBQ a ?! XD

So many toys in her house because of her little's brodaa.

(Y) ! Group photo in our 4th station :)

Again, we walked to our 5th station after this.
Went MCD to bought ice-cream! OMG I feel so comfortable after all.

Waited Jason took his bath and done his work.
Gamble gamble FTW! Luck ONG ONG LAI :D

Group photo @ Jason's house ^_^
Yi Jing went back home after this. It's already almost 6pm.

Then we decided to have our dinner together :)

Toooo tired. So we straightly took a TAXI ! LMAO

Had our dinner @ Pizza Hut! Long time never go liao ._.

SPOT the I-phone EPIC one! :P

No forgot, group pic @ pizza hut! :)

Had a great day with them heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ^_^

Ohhhh, we created a blogspot for our group.
Feel free to do a view :


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