
Monday 13 February 2012


1st of all I want to mention this, I'm not a TJ's fans seriously.
But I don't hate them too :)

12.2.12 , I promised OPX in the early month.
I gonna accompany her to Sungei Wang to meet them.
I wore their shirt too! HAHA :D

2pm! We reached there. Already so damn much peeps.
It should be start at 3pm!
We went to buy their albums. Should be SHE! -.-

Standing there and HWAITING! They all kept shouting.
I'm at quite front actually :)

Finally! GYM is here! ^_^

Awwww this is my N times met him! hehehehhe :3

The main characters ! :) 

You could imagine how much crazy is them. 
I means 奇跡一幫! Awwwwww :D

They are introducing their album.
I love the cover like seriously! Especially the LOLIPOP :3

I stand at the 2nd row you know? Sooooo NEAR!

Asking them about valentine's question.
They got their EX GIRLFRIENDS one lehhhhh! waseh :P

 Ohhh their mum is there toooooooo! woohoooo :)

Here are the LUCKY one! I got raised my hand! But never been choose!

Jason Tan is here. You know what?! 
He sang my LEE HOM's song 依然愛你 to them! :3
Awesome !!! He is the only boy!

Can I get the lolipop on their hand one? TT 

Singing 一點點 ! Not bad to listen for your valentine day :)

Time to go up the stage and let them sign.
Actually I never buy their album, but I still can go up.
Because itu OPX bought 2 set! LOL (Y)

(Y) !

See those peeps! ULALA :/

Queuing ! Gonna be my turn :D

GOSH -.-

The lucky boy of the day ya! ^_^

My face DAMN -.- ! This is 小東 ! He is very cute.

This is 阿哲 ! He is handsome one. HAHA!

 Jason Tan and Jing Sin ! (Y) ^_^


Conclusion, My sis is just tooo richhhhh! :O

Anyway, I had my day ^_^ !


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