
Thursday 2 February 2012

Super Star!

Last day of the January - 31/1/2011

Before the CNY holidays, we already planned this event.
And finally it is here ^_^
So happy can go out with them again hehehe!

We changed our location at the last minutes.
So we gonna meet each other at KLFC @ 10.30am
Obviously nobody will come at the actual time.
But some of them are really pro one. 
Skype until midnight don't wanna sleep.
So cant awake in the next day. They know who are them :P

So we went chatime while waiting all peeps reach.
I'm the 4th person who reached although I'm already late 15mins.

 Went to F.O.S for looking T-shirt for an hour.
Just to buy 3 T-shirts for the game later on.

 After a long discussion before the day, all of us decided go SING K !
We never try before in this big gang! (Y)

This is how Teenagers nowadays inside the K ROOM! LMAO :D
Get complained by the workers. Opppssss -.-

 Ah Ring and Daniel!

 Ken Li and Adam!

 Jason and Sha Jie ! :P

And this is my BFF yo! ^_^

 Big room for 3 hours! :D

We are super duper hyper on that day. 
Awww I still miss the moment so much! :(

 Singing those 抒情歌曲 at the beginning xD

This two guys never sing one! So bored you know? :P

Later on started to 標高音 ! HAHAHAHAHA! HUI SHA HUI SHA ROCK!

Actually the room is really BIG! Not bad.

你們來K房拜年啊?! LOL!

Started to CRAZY! 念你 ! lol wth ! 

 Sang till the half-way we felt hungry :O
So went out to buy some foods (Y)!

 Outfit of the day ^_^

 He wore until like our DADDY! HAHAHAHA!

 Very nice right? Hmm I means the place zzz !
Next time no need go till red box green box yellow box.
Nearby here already got a great one :D

 Our GAME started! woohoooooooooooooooo! :D

All of us gonna wear it on the next day outing event.
Stay tuned for the post btw :P

 I got Jessie's one.

 And Jason got mine one!
Hope he like it. Oh no should be HE MUST LIKE IT! ^_^

I'm happy with it! :D

Those 38 people actually is trying to block the lyrics -.-


讓我們 GET HIGH! We did it! So successful ! :D

Everyday I'm shuffling !

I'm sexy and I know it ! GOSH GOSHHHH! HAHAHAHA

We are enjoying so much huh! :D

Still got 4 songs to go.

In 3 mins left ! zzzzzz

Time passed so fast in the happy time. idk why :(
3 hours just like 3 mins. SERIOUSLY!

 The 2nd last song we played. OMG I CANT STOP LAUGHING!
Until my stomach ache to the max TT !

鼻孔塞哪裏哪裏? hahahahahahahaha!

 The last song we sang, so touch! 那些年 ^_^

High till dancing one! (Y) 

Guess guess who are we? :P HAHAHAHAHA!

Really really had enjoyed so much fun with them! LOVEEEE! :3

Our CHOCK face ! heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee x)

Crazy rock the world ! 0o0 ! :D


 Ken Li rushed to his work. 
So all of us loitering around and playing around.

 Yii Jing and Adam :P *see the mickey mouse behind !

敷衍的笑! XD

 Catherine and Hui Sha :D

The two super sakai boy! :3

Hehehehehehe! I love this day so much so much!
I bet all of them too! We are one big FAMILY :D
*heart !!!!!!!!!!!!!


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