
Monday 30 January 2012


Happy Nin Chor 7 ! It is 人日 , means EVERYBODY'S BIRTHDAY!
So please wish me HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D
I don't mind if you want to gimme present? :)

We had reunion dinner at 'six happiness' restaurant with family.

So much people. Whole restaurant were fully booked ! 

8.30pm only started our dinner. 
Because of waiting OWS came from hospital.

The 1st LOU SANG is home made one. 

The 2nd LOU SANG is from the restaurant. 
So conclusion we got 2 LOU SANG for a day :3

HUAT aaa! ^_^

The look of the day :)

Emelyne and Edmund :))

2012 year without popo one.

And I miss the old time. Everyone were there.
Popo still in healthy status :')

Pretty bil again :P !

CNY is going to END ! So fast. 2012 please be good.


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