
Saturday 21 January 2012

Ah Jib Gor in the house :)

Last day of school before CNY's holiday aka it is FRIDAY :)
We should thks to our prime minister came so that we no need to study.
Everyone was so excited especially TEACHERS AND HEADMASTERS!
We can felt that! LMAO

 Got my permit to bring along camera to school from CIK.TAN! :D
We only need to stay in class for 3 periods.
But our hearts already flew away. HAHA!

Every classes also luen shui one. HAHAHA!
S1 S2 S3 S4 all mixed together like gathering -.-
Or standing outside class like a boss. 

Loving the weather on that morning. Cool ! :D

 CNY's homeworks D: ! Luckily not that much but not that less too.
Keep wishing each other ' HAPPY CNY ' for the whole day.

We got our recess at 9am. They were discussing about tomorrow's outing. 
So sad can't join them D: ! Going to visit grandma @ hospital.

Idu why they using white chairs huh ?! -.-
Shouldn't be in RED ? LOL!

5s1 and 5s2 + Form six students need to stay in DK1 helping teacher.
They seriously should thks us so much! 
Some of us still stay back to help teacher clean up all the rubbish.
We had sacrificed our time :P
I love the feel when everybody working together. TEAMWORK :3

 KERJA AMAL ! ^_^ Muahahahaha! :D

Packing all those foods. For 4000 set ! Imagine how much izzit.
And you know what? only 1/4 peeps came.
Still got 3/4 dunno what to do one zzz

So at last they gave out all those foods randomly.

AUNTY UNCLE 拿回家給你們的爸爸媽媽兒子女兒工人鄰居一起吃。
儅晚餐或明天的早餐都可以 哈哈!


Chong Hwa's students! Like preparing to watch a concert.

Preparing and waiting ...

Ah Jib Gor going to eat this kind of foods. MUAHAHA!

 Elycia and Jeff Huang! :)

 Lih Jing and Li Ting !

Dong Dong , Gken and Van! :)

Actually we are trying to JUMP ! But ... 
See the result and you will know how we are so FAILED! :/

 Tried like 49149166187 times at last we gave up. HAHA!

Trying to say how pro is Jeff Huang self-capture's skill ^_^

 Jin Pei and Karmen.

 Paris and Ang Ang! :)

 Rex ! Good he look short in this pic :3 LMAO!

 Our KP DAI LOU ! :P 

 Hui Yi !! :D

 Mandy ! :) I MISS HER SO MUCH LEH! D:

Two leng luiis ! ^_^

Went outside to wait our AH JIB GOR to arrive. HAHA!
Some of them stand for 1 hours + ! WTH @.@

 Wore until so RED ! -.-

Semua sedang waiting ohh ohhhhhh! :P

See our handsome GEMINI! :D Woootsss!

 Waited like 15 mins I think ... ...

And suddenly many reporters ran out and blocked at the door.
 You knew what happened right.
I can heard those screaming sound so loudly. HAHA!

 This is my 1st time saw him. I don't even know how he look like.
Seriously. Not interest at all :P

 WOISEHHHH! Imagine. GENG ! :D
Guess where am I standing. LOL!


Why not LEE HOM TT ! SAD 

 Two 38 girls ! HAHAHA

Got 財神爺 lehh! But I don't get any ang pao :(

 Ini CHONG HWA! See how crowded ._.

Only captured a few of his pics. And went down for cam-whored liao.

Gemini aka MALAY BOY of the day! ^_^

Waiting our jobs. We are going to give out all the lunch to those peeps.

RM2.5 JUTA ANG PAO for our school :D
And he called us call him AH JIB GOR ! *WINKS

The long PERDANA ! His car wootsss!

 HAHAHAHAHA WTF dunno who's idea is this.
Do you ever touch our PRIME MINISTER's car before? :P

Cant take pic with NAJIB, so ... Took with them :3
Dunno who are them actually :/

現在的我覺得自己很白癡了! :p

Soooooooo grand at all :3 ! We are so lucky right?
Btw I'm sooo hungry tooo D:

Went to a photography's talk after all (Y) !
I'm damn interest with it.

This is one of the effect I had learned :P

I love the way the girl talking :D

They said this talk is so bored but I think I had learned something :)


More information can search it in internet ya.


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