
Sunday 15 January 2012

CNY atmosphere.

One more week to Chinese New Year.
Unbelivable right? Only 2 weeks reopen school then holiday again :3
After holiday then exammmm  FTW :X

14th yesterday night after dinner with family we went Petaling Street.
Every year for sure we will go there buy new year stuffs such as Oranges and Bak Kuah :) My favorite hehehehe!

China Town in M'sia. It gimme the feel of Bangkok @ Thailand.
Awww miss there. I wanna shop ! :P

 As I guess, so many peeps there. Almost are amolang.
I don't like those sellers there. Especially their mouth :X
Kept saying those words that make you feel like punch them!

Same as every year. My family only bought this brand.

I got their calander, ang pao packs and also an umbrella! LMAO!
So many free gifts for us and we are so lucky :3

I love bak kuah very much. FYI, I already ate one whole pack just now.
Now left 3 more packs for CNY only.
Okay I shall keep back my 'on diet' words back -.-

 15th. Went to Giant @ Melawati after had my lunch.
They wanna buy drinks and beers.
*Spot the name of the drinks *winks

Dad bought everything at last x) !
Seriously cant wait for CNY!

These few days we are sooo damn lucky :D
Ask me if you want to know WHY! Hehehehehehe ^_^
I LOL until my tears almost came out again with my mum.

我的家人越來越幽默了。 (Y)!

Balik kampung Balik kampung!

I wish I could meet JACKY LOOI during CNY :(
He working at genting now. IMH so much. I want to see him leh!


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