
Wednesday 25 January 2012

1st - 3rd day of CNY

Hello. I'm back. Backed from my hometown - Taiping.
We cant stay there too long because of my popo's sick.
So we must stay KL :)

Started missing my life at my kampung.
The peaceful life there. HAHA!

Same as usual, went to my uncle's house everynight.
Reunion dinner at there too. This year only small gang.
Many of them never came back D: So sad IMT so much!

They are getting taller and bigger. HEHEHE! :D

 So lovely one. But we failed to heart-talk leh :(
Only played VII :P

Edmund and Emelyne ^_^

 I will not update more details about my CNY at taiping.
Because I'm sooo lazy. So more pics please click



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