
Monday 2 January 2012

Surprise for MANDY!

This is a girl's outing plan that planned by Aries Ong since long time ago.
And it is also a SURPRISE birthday celebration of our MANDY :)
And I guess we did it successful ^_^

Went to Karmen's house in the early 10am.
Then her mum fetch us to KLFC. She is going to get her salary soon.
Wooohoooo! I just realized the 1st day she worked and the last day to get salary I also be with her. WOW WOW :3

Aries's mum came KLFC and fetched us to titiwangsa monorail.
We are actually going to Green Box @ :)
This is my 5th time went to sing K with friends only. LOL!

And the 1st time I went here.
Hmm some girls are missing. Actual should be 7 but now only 5 came.

This is actually for OPX THE CHUBBY ONE ^_^

Once we stepped in the room we straight away sing like there's no tomorrow.
HAHA Not like last time ... :P
Our fever were just too HIGH until cant control LMAO!

Lee Hom !!! The 1st song we sang i think :3

They keep choosing song. Until 50+ songs in the list are waiting us.

Mandyyy! :)

Only 4 mics in a room.

London and Paris !

This is a funny video and we cant stop laughing x)

Rock Rock 0o0 !!!

 Spot karmen's eyes. She cant open her eyes when facing flash! HAHA

I want to sing a song for you sing for my soul :D

Mandy ! (Y)

This is our foods and drinks ! Spaghetti awwwww! ^_^

 Karmen and Mandy.

 We started to eat. I'm hungry ! D:

Spot what are we so special :P

Girlsssssssss! :D

I love my spec ! :P

The blue spec is so suit her shirt! LOL

HAHA! I brought all my specs to there. Mandy's idea actually!
7 for our members.

Everyone is wearing it now O.O! huhu

Received his called. So Jash, Jack and Kingsley going to meet us soon.
They want to join us too! :D

 I just realized I kept cam-whored with MANDY! ._.

煎熬 我們的耳朵真的是煎熬了 :/ LMAOROFLLOL! 

We bought a cake secretly outside the counter.
And going to give her a SURPRISE :D

We sang birthday song. Hehehehehehee!

Her real birthday date should be 0401. But that day is our school reopen day.
So we decided to celebrate with her today :3

Green Tea cake. Not bad ! :) 

We had our group picss ^_^

# 1 The blur one @.@

#2 Eight of us of the day ^_^

#3 The girls ! Without flash.

#4 Girls with flash! HAHA! :P

#5 Free post :D

Hope our friendship will get more closer and ... dream come true !
I want the 2nd wish come TRUE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :P

Kingsley and Jash :D

Geeeeeee his hair the fringe zzz !

We started to sing at 12pm to 3pm. Only 3 hours this time :(

 But still we enjoyed till the max! 

Forgot what song we singing ._.

Lee Hong Guan ni zomok ?! -.-


Mandy again. I said right took so much photos with her today. 

4 mics for 8 peeps is really not enough.

He kept playing around. Singing like .... #LIKEABOSS!

I love the feeling when all of us sang together <3

And many many many LOL songs. Awwww ^_^
Idk they actually singing or shouting :P Just like me ! x)

 Aries and Paris ^_^

Our bil of the day for 8 peeps :')

Had a great time with them. Went shopping with girls after that.
Bought a shirt for only RM10 :D

Ohh this is my last outing with friends as school reopen on wednesday.
Sigh! But I passed my 2nd day in 2012 with a BIG SMILE :)


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