
Saturday 14 January 2012

Dong Dong's Birthday.

This is a secret plan for XIAO DONG! The main character of the day :)
Forgotten who's idea is this. Invited all his friends come.
We used 'BADMINTON' as the reason. Hehehe!

So I think he never knew our PLAN for him.
Actually we must reached at 11.30am. To prepare all those stuff.
We want to sing birthday song once he reached. 
And we told him 1pm only start.
But because of some accident, he reached JJB at 12pm.
Our plan had been destroyed. LOL! :/

 Btw, everyone were late. Included me too!
While I reached, only 5 peeps there. LMAO!
Nowadays teenagers time management is really bad. HAHA

 Later on, they reached one by one. 
We sat outside and waiting the time over.
We booked the court for 1pm. We should wait 1 hours outside there.
And we did it of course.

 She is the planner I think :D 

 Hui Yi and Vannnnnnn! 

Ohhh long time never cycle bicycle. It was sooo FUN!
And never forgot the accident that happened to me and van in school.

Fish cake and Xiao Dong! DUHHHHH he reached ._.
We are trying our best to cover our lies so badly.
He kept asking us why we reached soooo early zzz
And why today so many peeps came one? HAHAHAHA!

 Hui Yiiiiiiii! She is trying to act YENG! :P

Waiting outside. Keep countdown the time over. 
So many people seriously. 1st time hehe!

 Little Yuan and Elycia. 
WOW Surprise right? Elycia was here !!! wootsss :P

Troy and Jeff Huang! :P

HAHA! He is funny. Ohhh he helped us to bought cake. Secret Recipe one!


 Foreveraloneboy and Harry Chooo ! :P

Using my camera to self-captured #likeaboss :D

Idk why the camera boy want to left so much place beside Jiunn Wei -.-

Take 2 ! :)

Secret Recipe Strawberry cake ! (Y)YUMMMMMMMMMMMMM! :D

Went outside and going to give dong dong surprise! :D

Discussing who to take the cake go inside. LOL!

 Otw otw otw ... :D

Video is on Jeff's hand. Wait he upload. Only photos here.

I think he sure feel so touched and shocked. 

That means our surprise for him never fail and successful ^_^

Actually his real birthday is on monday.
Just an early wish for him today :)

Badminton very pro one :P !
Wish you GROW TALLER this year ! HAHAHA!
And stay happy ! Ohhh he same class with me this year ohh ohh! :D

This is HOW THE WAY we eat birthday cake always #LIKEABOSS!
We love each other very much one x)


See this GIRL ! zzzzzzzzz I have no comment with it.
Idk what is she doing there. Maybe dancing ballet on badminton court.

LMAO! Cute boy ever! xD

 Ling Lian and Chang! wootsss! Finally can meet up with chang!
HAHAHA! We are like 2/3 years never meet each other dy.

Stomach ache is the half way. I felt so bad TT !
So I went back home earlier. They went CHATIME!
I missed a chance again. Craving with it so badly D:


Group photo. Missing Suey and Gemini :(
Take 1 , havent ready yet ._.

Take 2 ! :D *winks this is so nice yo! :)

Friendship forever :3 !

Looking forward on monday :P


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