
Thursday 26 January 2012

CNY DAY 4th - 5th !

Nin Chor 3 , went dim sam in the early morning.
Hehe every year my dad surely bring us here for dim sam one idk why. LOL!

This year only 4 of us went. 
Because grandpa etc went hospital take care my popo. 
After that we only go meet them.

Yum yum yum ^_^ !

Seriously I'm already FAT in this few days. HAHA Whatever -.-

Went home @ afternoon.

Went to steamboat at the night! Family dinner :D

I don't really like this place idk why :P

One of my new year shirt ^_^

 Gentleman! Beer kaki tooo -.- ! That day they drank until 12am.
Sakai memang! Arghhhh!

 My pretty and handsome brodaa sista ! ^_^

Crossed over the two big roads to buy chatime! (Y)

Still so much peeps although it is already so LATE!

Loveeeeeeeeeee :3

This is mine! Forever drink this favour only zzz!

Enjoying my drink while waiting those adults to get drunk. LMAO!

Always cam-whored with them when I'm sleepy. HAHAHA!
Home sweet home at 12.30am.

Nin Chor 4 !
Awoke at 9am and went Kepong to find my cousin's. 

See my eyes still cacat one TT ! Not enough sleep!

Hehehehehehe :3

Uncle , Popo and Daddy! This is my 2nd popo :P LOL!

End up with this plate of fruits! :)


Went hospital to visit my popo as usual :)
She is getting better. But everytime when I saw her my heart sure pain.

Daddy dated his friend dinner then.

We went SHABU ONE @ LOT 10. 
My last time went here was ... .... .... KEM GABUNGAN'S dinner.
Until now. Half-year ago? Hmmmmm !



And please SPOT my stomach ! zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Full until I can't breath. So suffer TT ! Going die :/

But I still trying my best to finish this! Muahahahahahaha -.-

26th! 5 month sharp :)

And I went this place, I could rmb up everything here about ... 
Do you? :3


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