
Tuesday 10 January 2012

WORK #likeaboss !

Before I start to post about this, I would like to share out some pictures with you all first. HAHAHA! All of these photos were using WILSON's IPHONE to capture one. Hehehe. This is what will always happened when your phone dropped on GIRL's hand ^_^

During bengkel day :) ! Bored like hell ! zzz

Our friendship will never end ! *heart them sooo much! 
They will never be normal :P

Hello I'm NOOB! ^_^

 So jealous his iphone, got so many pretty girls photos inside x)

During tuition with JESS ! :D hehehehehe!

Miss my 2011's tablemate so much. And of course her singing voice :3

A real Friend Isn't One who Understands ur Happiness but they are the one who can guess ur sadness before ur Eyes Can feel them :')

The boss is here! Muahahahaha :D

 He never delete my ugly photo so I can share to you ! LMAO!



Few days ago, we went to WORK together ! :D
Actually all was because of SOOK HUI. She asked us to join about it.
I never work before as you know. So I decided to try one time :D

The whole day Imma so excited and looked forward about it ^_^

After school, 3 of us went to xuan's house. Some of them wanna take bath.
But not for me. I never bring my towel or shirts etc. 
It is an last min plan actually.

So I phoned mum and told her everything.

 Only changed my cloth. I'm dirty girl ^_^

Ohh yea because it is after school, so I never bring my phone and camera.
I realized I cant live without one of them no joke D:
Used XUAN's camera all the way.

We go by LRT to DANG WANGI. Idk where is the actual place we should go.

She intro this job for us. Thkiuuu very muchhhh :D

Took about 15-20mins to reach DANG WANGI station.
Inside the LRT ^_^ Only one boy. HAHA
Later on 4 of the boys met us up! :)

JUMP ! The failed one ! :/

 JUMP # 2 ! Success but look so ... WEIRD OR FUNNY? HAHAHA!

We walked like 5mins and crossed a big road to reach our place.

DANG DANG ! Everyone were so happy ^_^
CAPSQUARE is the name we gonna work in this place :)

Met the boss at the front door and otw to the center. 

Aries and London :D

Actually this 'JOB' should be an easy survey of us.
We only need to answer FEW QUESTIONS all about ICE-CREAM.
Just like that ! YES NO MORE ! :P LOL!

So they are filling up the form. So much questions actually.

The TAIWAN boy ! ._.

We separated into two groups and I'm the 2nd round one.

After filled up the form, he bring us to 34th FLOOR!
WOW! The life goes so fast we can feel it so strongly when going up and down. So uncomfortable. 

HEHEHEHE! We reached :D

Gave the boss IC. And waiting him to call our name to go inside.
*Just like when you go clinic to visit doctor.
All of us thought he will give us try some ice-cream and ask us which one is better or nicer. WE THOUGHT ! :)
Because it is a SURVEY JOB.

 While the waiting moment, girls went into toilet and cam-whored!
LOL THE EPIC ONE! We laughed so much so long because of our POSES!

We went in one by one. Heard they called my name so I went in too.
I can smell a strongly chocolate ice-cream smell from inside dunno where.
But maybe is my psychological's problem -.-

Guess what I saw when I stepped inside, I only saw many tables.
Like an office working place. Hmmmmmm so I sat down infront of a table.
A girl sat beside me and started to ask me everything about ICE CREAM!

She let me see many ice cream photos. ICE CREAM PHOTOSSSSS!

1st , I thought they will give us try ice cream. So i never eat my lunch TT
2nd, I din't eat my lunch, already feel pity hungry, you still wanna show me so many ICE CREAM PHOTOSS! Damn ! zzz
Can you feel how suffer am I that time? I'm controlling my saliva not to come out all the time D:

Almost 50 questions about ice cream I only used 20mins to answer all.
The fastest people who came out among all of them ^_^

RM50 is here ! (Y) 

My 1st RM50 I earned by myself. 

I was late. It was already 6.15pm. I need to reach W.M LRT before 7pm.
So worry about it. I scare I cant make it :(

My heart almost came out when I reached the DANG WANGI station.
Those people was like ... ... ....... ....... ................. ! 
WTH?! Seriously this is my very 1st time see SO DAMN FREAKING MUCH people inside a LRT TRAIN! :/ 

I cant imagine how I can breath inside. 
Everyone is queuing up for their turn to go in the train.

No others way I can choose. I already LATE! D:
So I just went into the train with THOUSAND PEOPLE ! zzz
I felt so scare, scare the train will drop down because too heavy. LMAO!

Luckily reached on time. SAVED ME :') #foreverrushing!

Feel so good ^_^ ! 
Can earn money by myself although it's actually not a REAL 'JOB' ! 

Still can enjoy my day with all of them so happily :D

第一次坐摩多車 第一次自己去做工 第一次拿到工錢 第一次跟人家濟輕快鉄
那麽多的第一次 所以我把今天列爲 《第一次》。


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