
Saturday 18 February 2012


We got our 2nd activity at saturday today:)
The 1st time was on friday. Times are just sooo short.

As usual, we did warm up, ran the whole school, kawad.
And we teach those new juniors about KRS :D
So GREAT! Now they knew how to sing KRS's song.
And can tepok tepok KRS liao  ^_^

The breaking ice's game was not bad too.

At the last 1 hour, we prepared a game for them. 
Actually should be two. But because of the time's problem.
We cancelled one.
But still I guess they got fun. WE TOOO! XD

This is the 1st game I played in KRS when I 1st time attended!
So now I would like to share it out to them too! heee :3
They are sooooo CRAZY!

We need to find out 5 LOSERS! :P

Discussing the punishment ! Muahahahahha ^_^

Here are all the LOSERS! :P 

They need to hug the TIANG and shout I LOVE TIANG loudly! LMAO 

 And this two guys! Special abit.
Need to HUG TREE and shout I LOVE POKOK!

Here are the successful EXAMPLE! :D MUACK MUACK! :3

I hope KRS will be more better and better!
Juniors (Y) ! ^_^

After the activity, we got AJK meeting at KFC :)

I'm sooooooo HUNGRY TT ! 
Ate KFC! LOL! Okay no worry nothing happened.

Meeting! woohooooo!
We planed everything. But hope it's really works!

 Van and Jin Pei :)

So we went backed @ 3pm!

Straight away I went to hospital without bath !
#DAMN! I'm soooooo HOT and DIRTY you know? TT
But still, I wanna visit my grandma! Heeeeee :')

Home sweet home @ almost 7pm.
I failed to buy my watch. Arghhh!

I had my dinner outside then.

Okay so today is seriously a TIRING day for me :/
Gonna sleep. Goodnight! :D



  1. 喜欢,看你戴耳机听歌的样子,很正。

  2. 不懂,纯粹觉得... 你戴着耳机的样子很有魅力。若某些天我在街上走着,巧遇你正戴着耳机步行的话,干,恐怕我会为了多瞄你一眼而不小心撞到面前的柱子了!

  3. 太誇張了吧?! 哈哈不要弄到我暗爽!不過還是謝了啦!^_^
