
Tuesday 20 March 2012

20TH !

Since the photography session had been started yesterday.
So VAN was ON DUTY for the whole day. 
Ohh me #foreveralone :(

Chance encounter :P ! THL was sick today. She was absent.
So I decided to sit w PLT for the whole day :D
Btw, take good care THL! :3 

Sitting at her place, you forever can see #hellokitty one :P

CHUI SHUI while our ADD MATH teacher FORGOT to enter our class :O
WTH! She forgotten herself but scolded us never remind her. LOL!!!

Everybody were worry about MORAL KERJA AMAL!
Especially CHEAH CHEAH! And he failed his oral presentation today.
Make him PEK CEK 99 whole day. #SIGH #GODBLESS

After school, met up w VAN! (Y) 
And we had our KERJA AMAL 'PHOTOSHOOT' toooo!
WELL DONE! 2 of my photos already done ^_^

My hair is actually look LONG here. But actually this is a fake :O
HAHAHAHA! I started to miss my LONG HAIR but I never REGRET :D

Btw, almost got back all mai exam papers. Holly shit ya.
I should know my problem well :')


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