
Tuesday 27 March 2012

Sunday Tuition Day!

Went to a revision class @ Sri Gombak. MR.JAY class.
He was my ex-teacher. He is a very nice and funny teacher.
Due to the transport problem so I leave his class :(


Actually I got the informed by XIAO DONG at school! :3
He said MR.JAY got a revision chapter 1 class at sunday.
So only I decided to go :)

The early planned was I will took bus to SRI GOMBAK w VAN.
But in the early morning I received her text said she will be absent.
I was freaking worry all of a sudden. Called so many peeps.

Lastly I asked KOK YEW to accompany me :P
Hehehehehe! And Yu Bing said he can wait me.
So we can go together. Idk where is the tuition center lol.

Before we met, I went to my drama rehearsals just for a mins.
I'm rushing my time so badly D: 

11am. Met w Yu Bing and Zi Kang w Kok Yew :D
And Ling Lian said her mum can fetch us there (Y) !
So no need to take bus under the hot sun ^_^

Revision of BIOLOGY CHAPTER 1 !
I only realized I had forgotten so much of things! ._.

The tuition class was so small compare to my imagination :P
HAHA! 12PM - 5PM :3
My sunday spend like this ! x)

We had 1 hour break @ 2pm.
So after a long long discussion, we went to old town.
Some of them had lunch there, but mostly just playing around :P

Got a handsome boy took my camera.
And cam-whore himself ^_^ 
Pics do talking.

Took ah ban's HTC and captured so much photos.
I think he will headache after viewing all the photos inside :P
If I got a smart phone, I can't imagine how many pic could I capture a day.
I will just OUT OF CONTROL! GOSH ._.

The bread from OLD TOWN is sooo nice (Y) !
MUST TRY :P If you never ate before.

I want her big big eyes ! ^_^


Okay this is GIRLS ! :D LMAO!

Jessie and Suey !

Ah Ban and Mandy!

Jeff Huang and Xiao Dong!

Zi Kang and Ling Lian!

REX TAN! ^_^ p/s: we captured 4863786487648 times only successful LOL!

This is the cute cute YU BING! HAHA
He never open big his eyes :P failed! xD

Thks for accompany me yaaaaaaa :3

So here I end up w this word.



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