
Wednesday 14 March 2012


After marching in school, had a movie named JOHN CARTER! :D
I promised Jessie to accompany her last week. 
So I leave earlier from my marching.

Gken, Daniel Yong and Jiawei joined us in very last min !
Then itu SAK KOK YEW ffk -.-
So total end up w 5 of us ! :D

Walked to prima from school and took bus again.
Hmm we changed our cloth after bought the tickets. 
I'm sooooooooooooo sticky ._.

Btw we accompany Jiawei to bank.
OMG I'm sooooooo jelly :(((((((((((
He can get money whenever he want from BANK!! D:

 As the time still earlier, so we had a sit at this new shop.
Some thing like snowflake + chatime. But of course fake one -.-

 Just beside the cinema @ KLFC ! :)
Hmm not bad can try ! ^_^

This SAKAI zzz !

Lately ate so many desserts ! :O FATTTTTTT! ARGH !

Jessie and JW ! :D

Almost 2.30pm only met w Daniel and Gken.

Our movie started at 2.50pm!
I rated this movie for 3 stars out of 5 :)
I can't really understand the whole story until the ending showed.
LOL! SO damn lui zzz


 Trying to take GROUP PHOTO!


Tuition at 5.30pm! As usual took taxi :3

超级白的白色情人节快乐 ! ^_^


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