
Thursday 15 March 2012

Mai New Friends!

Finally !!! ^_^ We dated each others. HEHEHEHEHEHEHE :D
Since we said long long time ago but no time to meet out.
So today - 15/3/2012 , we decided go for a movie.

Three of us - Lisa , Eriko and Crystal met at WM LRT.
Then took to KLCC. We go through the bridge and reached Pavilion.

The pic above showed the bridge.
This is my 1st time walked through. Not that FAR actually -.-
Someone told me need half an hour to pass by. LOL
We should belive what LISA's said :P

Two of them. Eriko and Lisa ! hehe :3 
Although this is the 1st time we met each other. 
But not weird at all. They are so friendly and ... hmmmmmmm!
CRAZY ?! SAKAI?! Okayyyyy just tooo HYPER :P

(Y) ! So say HI to my new friends! ^_^

Girl likey ! :D ! Cam-whored inside the toilet.
More pics is in eriko's DSLR. So stay tuned !

This is the toilet at the Tokyo Street's level.
I never knew it. This is my 1st time went in. 
It just like 5 stars hotel's toilet. OMGOSHHHHHH! :O

We locked the door. And cam-whored inside.
Until the peeps try to open the door but failed. HAHA!
So nice the toilet! Awesome ! XD Okay I know I'm toooo .. HMM! :P

Our movie started at 11.40am. And we reached in time :D

This is the movie we watched ! Today only showed in cinema.
And we watched the earlier one. I means the 1st show! 
MY RYNN LIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥.

She like him and I like HE ! :P HAHAHAHA
Lisa Ng like AH BENG then! LMAO XD
But she is not willing to take pic w him . Aww too bad :P

Sakai helped us to book tickets. So kindly.
Thks 9273189739187 times to him! ^_^
Will pay him back when school reopen. Good boy! x)

Let me comment about this movie :

It is really a NICE SHOW ! You guys must watch ! Seriously.
I rated 4 stars out of 5 ! :3
It is a bit SCARY until we can scream inside the cinema.
FOR GIRL ! But maybe not for you.
 The dead face is just too ... disgusting !
Ewwww! But w some funny parts too. 

做人記得不要行差踏錯噢 ! xD

After movie we are planning to have lunch together.
But no idea where should we go.
So finally we went to WONG KOK againnnn! :3

LOL! I accidently saw the name of this drink.
 Wondering what is this :O

Used quite long times to order our foods ! x)


I full until feel like vomit out :((((( 
Especially the CHEESE's taste. So suffer at that moment.

Strawberry dessert of the day :)

Two of them keep chatting soooooo happily! HAHA

So we end up our lunch w this bil.

Walked to tokyo street ! Just for shopping.
But I bought nothing. I gonna bankrupt soon :(

After that walked back to KLCC again.
Someone wanna kap zaii but failed so sad.

MCD ICE CREAM ^_^ !!!!

So we sat down for a rest and chatting non-stop :)

Lisa and Eriko ! :D

Received my mum's called. And nothing to do there.
So we went back home before 5pm! So early ._.

Had a nice date w them ! (Y) !
Hope we can hang out again soonnnnnnnnn! :D
Great to know two more SAKAIS in my life ^_^


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