
Saturday 16 May 2009


所以选择做 =.=


我傻了 =X

1.My Name : yanyan
2.My Birthday : 7-8-1995
3.Who tagged you : xuanz
4 best friends : my gang d ^^ yay~!
5.What do you wished for birthday : err..i wan 3 more wish XDXD
6.Happy things that happened recently : study in 2M
7.Most stressed about recently : my examzz .. OMG~!
8.What is your dream about future : have a romantic future gua 0.O
9.Do you have someone you like : sure ^^
10.Will visit your ex-teacher in a classmate gathering : i think so
11.Most happy to hang out with : Friends
12.If two of your friends were having conflicts : Mediator
13.Where is prefferably the place to go with your lover : Anywhere
14.What to do in Christmas : play & eat wid frenz XD
15.Who do you wants to celebrate Christmas with : family frenz lover also can larx
16.Bad habit on waking up early in the morning : Nope, only feel tired everytime
17.How many siblings you have : 1 sister
18.Favourite song(Female) : white house (lately)
19.Favourite song(Male) : many wor
20.Favourite Colour : blue & purple
21.Flush before using the toilets? : Duh~ public toilets maybe... >'''<
22.Love me not? : r u? =.=
23.Affectionate to guys or girls : of cz guys lurr
24.What do you wants to shout out loudy : WALAO~!
25.Do you dare to go toilets alone in the middle of the night? : no ( so scraly larx )
26.Will you take of your undies in while in the WC : gt ppl wont d meh?
27.Whos the bastard : no one except myself i think =X
28.Whats the current affection : story book ?
29.Sleeps uglily : ask me ? ask my dad larx
30.Whats the time now : 4.35pm
31.Do you hate the person who tagged you : no larx
32.Weight : 35kg dy ~~>.<~~
33.Weather today : raining now
34.Are you pregnant : yaya =.='' ( 3 month dy )

【People Tagged】
1 fern - 38 ppl XDXD
2 jessie - bff
3 wei quan - krs frenz
4 yi jing - leng luii
5 pik khee - xiao xue d frenz
6 huisha - nice ppl ^^ ( bff )
7 qi wei - so cute =)
8 jia mii - same class

01-【Did no.4 know no.6?】:of cz ^^
02-【No.8 is a male or?】:Female
03-【 The hobby of no.8】:dunno wr =p
04-【Do no. 1 have any siblings】:i think 2 bro ( if no wrong)
05-【The surname of of no.7】:chan
06-【Do no.4 have alot of friends?】: sure i think so
07-【Anyone tackling no.4?】: erm...I think so...
08-【If no.2 is being introduced?】:I dont really know what will happen XD

*1st thing before sleep : close my eyes =.=
*1st thing after awaking from sleep : check sms
*Your idol : many larx
*Favourite season : sure is winter
*Worked part-time before? : no ( still havent enough age )
*Times worked : 0 lo
*Country that wanted to go most : sure is japan
*Personality hated : bluf me
*Are you a cry baby? : hahax, i think so
*You laughed alot? : yup
*Do you like to go out alone? : kill me if i do .. III
*What time you wakeup if it was a holiday? : Not sure
*Today's weather(Sunny Rainy Cloudy): rainy
*Choose between Friends and Lover : friends
*Choose between Chances and Fates : Chances
*Are you narcissist? : i think so ..haha
*Is this questionaire long? : ya
*How to make yourself feel better everytime? : cry , shout , eat many chocalate
*Favourite food : chocalate, sushi ^^
*Do you like ice? : depends on the weather
*Are you full of happiness? : ya ... i think so
*Which are the friends that you cared the most? : my gang
*Whats the most important item in your bed room? : money $$$ =)
*Most consistant dream at sleep : dunno wor ( cant rmb suntimes )
*Will you forgive a guy that is mentally disobedient? : depend i luv he much or not
*Whats the meaning of life? : happy ^^
*Do you know?(See if you can answer this!): i dunno wor =.=
*When do you hate me? : u r ...?
*Like the day you were born or been into the society?,Like Taoism or Confusianism? : huh?
*Favourite cake? : secret reciepie / chocalate cake
*Can we stop this game now? : yalor ... so many =X
*Do you like sardins? ^^ : NO!!
*Who knows you the best? : my gang d frenz
*IQ higher or EQ? : both also no high =.= ( me very stupid d )
*Computer or Mobile Phone : of cz 2 .. if no can die
*Prefer to sleep or play? : Sleep while playing...haha
*Friendster or Facebook? : both lurr XD
*Whats your wish right now? : cancel examz ( yay~! ) ^^
*Tired? : quiet
*Favourite drinks :100 plus

呼~ 完成啦
被我点名的 得空才做
知道大家都要读书啦 除了我


我是认真的啦 真的

不信就算 =X

~TH3 3ND ~


  1. =.=

  2. 点名咯
    不好意思 没有点到你 >.<

    等下我传染到你就不好啦 XDXD

  3. lolzzzzzz



  4. i do it b4 ed..
    bt is chinese gehx..
