
Thursday 22 December 2011

6J'2007 is LOVE !

After 4 years, all of us grew up like a pretty / handsome one :D
And very glad that I'm still in the same height zzz ! -.-

 I'm the planner for this gathering AGAIN! YEAAA AGAIN.
And this time was really EPIC FAILED TT !
Only 7 of them came out @.@
You guys shouldn't blame me actually. Because I seriously informed all of them. Some of them work, sick, no free etc etc etc ...

Okay whatever. HAHA! So we took AMPANG LINES to TS.
Had our lunch at BBQ PLAZE like finally I went there ^_^
Met up some of them too.

Hehe christmas fever FTW everywhere (Y) !

We used almost half an hour to look at the menu, thinking what should we order and chatting silly stuffs. CHAN FANG LEK I hate him :(

Dang dang! We ordered two sets of meat and chicken :)

Eating #likeaboss.

Actually I think I went here before. I means same style foods.
@ sungai wang but not time square.

Not that hungry actually because I just had my breakfast before went out.
Same of them tooooo :D


I don't really like their foods.
Like what shadow said no taste one ._.
And quite expensive. I think I wont go there for 2nd time.

We added on two plate of meat after we finished the two sets.
Too less for 8 people actually -.-

Hehehe smiling #likeaboss when I met them :3

We ate until so CLEAN ! ._. Never waste foodsssss! (Y)

This will be my 1st time and also last time here ^_^

Okay. CHANG CHANG! Exchange x'mas present timeeeee *winks

This is my lucky number NO 1 ! :D

Group pic # 1

Group pic # 2 

Group pic # 3 ! ^_^

 The super 4 boys of the day! HAHAHAHA

So after we paid , some of them need leave early to movie.
So only left shadow, fang lek, bawang boy and me.
Imma the ONLY GIRL ! ._. Okay actually is okay for me I don't mind.

We decided to took monorail to pavilion.
Just for cam-whore. HAHAHAHA! Opppsss girl's favorite and of course boys must follow ! :D

 So three of them accompany me. Walking here and there.
Cam-whored #LikeALouSai :D

So many polar bears there OMG ._.

And we choose KOREA ! :D Hehehehehehe

Actually I want to sit up there but I scare kena marah :(
What a waste sigh!

Hugging THAILAND BEAR lol :3

 CHAN FANG LEK ! :P Love to zat people. Arghhhhhhhh :S
Next time wanna go his house sing K liaoooo x)

Buying DAN TAK ! :D

And of course snowflake ! (Y)

THREE MAH LAT LOU ! :P With a pretty girl ^_^

Actually we are trying to self-capture. We want the background.
But same as what you saw, FAILED! =/

So at last we found someone to help us HAHA!

 Nahhh I love this pic very much :3

Fang lek dated someone for movie again at 3.30pm!
Stupid himmm gathering go watch movie -.- *bite him!

Seriously what a pity gathering for this year :S

Walking here and there and wasting our time.

 They never changed their look.
And we chatted so much about our primary stuffs.
Trying to remember up everyone's name! LOL

And keep listening OH OH OHHHHHHHHH! :P

SHADOW ^_^ He is my tablemate when I was standard 6 ! hehe
I like him sooo muchhhh :3

Forgot to bring my x'mas hat ! #DAMN D:
Luckily shadow brought.

Malaysia's polar bear! I love m'sia HAHAHAHAHAHA! #justsaying

Presents I got today ^_^ !
Thkiuuu for the x'mas present from SHADOW!
Actually it should be my LAST YEAR 's present and he gave me now.
But still XIE XIE NI! :D xixi!

22.12.2011 is LOVE :3 Will never forgot today as well HAHAHAHAHA

Looking forward to our next gathering. When will it be ? :D


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