
Tuesday 13 December 2011

Drop Soup Chicken?

13.12.11 , awesome date ^_^

Finally got tuition after 2 weeks long holiday. HAHA In fact I'm so lazy.
Met up with this two girls before went tuition.
We had tutti frutti. And I'm late. SHARP 1 HOUR I'M LATE SORRY! D;

Never forgot, brought my souvenir from BALI to them :D
Hehe! They were choosing.

After that we went KLFC to met up LONDON FUNG! :)
She is working there. And we are waiting her to tuition.

 Waited till almost 3.30pm. My mouth started to be active!
HAHAHAHA! I feel like wanna eat somethings although I'm still very full :(

Okay the very 1st time I went here and ate this.

Only me eating :( ! Argh I hate myself. Gain weight please zzz

So much peeps, need to wait. So we sat down there.
In other way also waiting car to come.

So much friends introduce me before :D

Heeeeeeeeee It's very nice but if eat with tomato chap will be nicer.

(Y) !

Then suddenly rain heavily. IS SUPER DUPER HEAVY !
Until the wind blow down all the stuffs in the shopping ! @.@

And we were like HOLY SHIT, how could we went tuition this time?
So we waited there. Until 4.30pm ,still raining cat and dog.
No idea at all :/ ! So we took taxi and ran under the rain.

Just like the title above : DROP SOUP  CHICKEN 落湯鷄。


HAHAH! In the lift, still can take photo zzz !
All wet like DROP SOUP CHICKEN  ^_^


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