
Sunday 25 December 2011

Party Rock Anthem ! :D

 24th of December ! Christmas Eve ! Rock the world babyyyyyyy ! :D
HOHOHOHO! Damn excited. I love x'mas very very very much!
HEHE! This year I choose to celebrate with my friends. And also the 1st year I DID ! :)

They planned long time ago actually. Where to celebrate.
So at last we decided went HOMETOWN STEAMBOAT for dinner.
Then only second round and third round. Muahahahahaha!

We discussed everything! Even what code shirt we should wear.
Because of some personal reason we cant wear red so we changed to white!
And suddenly dunno who's idea , WE WORE CHONG HWA'S TEE ! LMAO :P

6.30pm everyone meet at there to have our dinner :)
Jessie and Daniel were late ! They went Jusco before that.
To buy X'mas present and hat ! :D

Merry Christmas FTW ! I said this words like 613261643186197 times.
Or even type " Merry Chritsmas " for 3744249174918374 times.

All of us are super duper hungry :O ! Cant wait to order those foods.
Seriously TT ! Not only me but Yi Jing and Jason tooo! :P

We just ordered TEA for our drinks ! Muahahahahaa!

Just choose whatever you want ! :D

I can smell the taste now :P ! TOM YAM YUM YUM YUM :D

Never forgot to cam-whore of course while eating x)
We chatted many and laughed many toooooo. #likeaboss!

 Guess what am I eating ? LOL LOL LOL!! 
It is abalone ! But the fake one HAHAHAHAHA!
Only one per person ! :P

 Jason , the unsanitary boy! tsk tsk tsk :P
His egg btw! Muahahahaha

See the right one, are you trying to make HO BAO DAN ?! :P

We wish this is A Jar of BEER ! huhu x)

And know's what ? Suddenly a very loudly sound 'HOHOHOHO' came out from our behind. I tot what happened -.- ! And I seriously no joke tot robbers came. Gonna grab something away! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH WTF !! ._.

8pm , Daniel gonna leave us and went to his church :(
But he will meet us up later on again ^_^

Great that celebrated my x'mas with my lovely one :3

Santa Claus and US ! We are happy family ^_^ *winks

 Santa Claus gave us CANDYS and make us Balloons :D

We are so regret we ordered soo much foods. Waseh ! Full until I gonna vomit.

Seeeee! Still a big plate here :/ !
We are thinking how to finish it.

The only two same shirt guys. Or should call them GAY in others way.
HAHAHA! Oppsssssss!

Yea SPOT our christmas hat ^_^v *witch

They two kena boycott from us :P

The sakai boy -.- ! LMAO! He is trying to self-capture :P

Guess who's hand is that? 

We enjoyed our dinner with them very muchhhhh :D
And we always did something 'special' !

Yuan yuan ang Jing jing ! x)

The production of KEN LI I think -.- ! Captured failed! Our head so big ._.

The production of Jessie Teo ! Muahahahahaha!
I'm so sorry for 324674648636374 times D:

Jason and Adam ! ^_^

The left one, hehehehehe never realized our camera had zoom in so much.
What a nice pic btw xD !

Catherine and Jessie pretty girl like me :D

Mickey Mouse coming to town but not Santa Claus LOL!

All of my x'mas present ! ^_^ 
Okay just joking -.- ... We going to exchange present after our dinner.
This is what everyone must did during christmas right? :D


Planning how to exchange. I want Ken Li's present badly :(

Nvm HAHAHA As long as I got many presentsssss x)

Cant wait for bil ! :P Lol what a stupid sentences -.-
I tot will be RM500 +++++ But only RM200 ! HAHAHAHA (Y)

Yi Jing :D ! hehehe ^_^

I got Jessie's present. (Y) !  Not baddddd !

They bought spray. Preparing to ... .... hmmmmmmm! You should know :P

Our tall tall pretty gitl Catherine Koh ! ;D

那些年 我們一起慶祝聖誕節 ! :D

We putted our camera on a car , and set self-timer. GENG! 

Playing spray outside the restaurant #likeaboss.
I guess everyone were looking at us but we don't ever care right?!

Dunno who's car. So pity and we are sooo sorry ! :O
HEHEHE! Malaysia snowing nowadays ! x)

We walking around on the street and planning what to do and where to go.
They planned to go OVER TIME firstly but failed :(

Otw walking to PRIMA ! Muahahahahaha!

We are just playing, laughing, spraying, dancing, jumping, singing, running doing everything beside the road. LMAO!

They keep playing spray. Snowing all the way ! :D
Sooo pretty and lovely :3

Actually tot 'snow' should be shampoo ! OMG -___- 
But noboday care tooooooooooo! HAHAHAHAHA

Walking in the dark, Singing christmas song ! The best feeling ever!

Ah Ring vs COPY's hair -.- ! #DAMN! 

Imma gonna wash my hair in the midnight later TT !

Don't come near to me! I will spray till you DEAD! :P

Playing on the road #likeaboss.
Walking on the street, wishing everyone 'Merry X'mas' although we dunno who are them. Awwwww! How friendly are we ?! :D

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The most funny thing.
Know's what?! They said the pic above look alike me !
Do we ? LOL ROFL LMAO !!! XD

Pity Ah ring ! Snow love him x)

Walked till Daniel's house. And waiting him to back from church!
So we played with camera again.
Still the same, put my camera on an unknown car ! :P

#1 HAHAHA! Idk what are them doing actually zzz :P

#2 Ohhhhh we saw SANTA passing by ! :D

#3 We are actually HUMAN! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Trying to act YENG and CUTE ^_^

Catherine Koh is here again ^_^ 
Ohhh thks for lending me her mickey mouse's ear! :3

#4 Not yer ready at all -.- #FAILED!

#5 ! Sakai post ! Muahahahaha (Y)!

#6 Gila post -.-

P/s : We are taking all these photos beside the road.
So imagining everyone is looking at us like this ... for 10sec we post!

#7 Queue up post! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

#8 Self taking pic for waiting 10secs one! :P

#9 Daniel trying to block all of us but failed one !

#10 The same thing they did like daniel and success but look at their face :P

#11 Everyone trying to move away only 3 of pretty girls stay ^_^

Snowing everywhere. But dunno why we still sweating so much !

#12 Okay I'm too pretty so they wanna block my face :(

#13 They are actually saying GOODBYE with me! :P
Like a GANG of ... .... .... hmmmm! okay whatever x)

So I went back home at almost 10pm++
Because I still need rushing to another party.
So sigh cant join them for 2nd round and 3rd round.
I know thay got lots of fun right? But ... I'm already super duper happy! :D

The presents I got on the day (Y)
This year I got so much presents ! Hehehehehe
Almost 10 I got ! Loveeeeeeeee xoxo

Thk you SANTA for bringing them to my life. Appreciate it very much!
I'm seriously super duper tripper enjoyed my christmas eve with them.

The very 1st year I joined them and had a wonderful christmas ^_^
Awwwwwwwwwwwww !!! 
I love you guys very very much muack muack muacksssss! :*


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