
Wednesday 14 December 2011

Starbucks accident.

As usual, we went hospital visit grandma. Her sick became worse :(
And now goin to change her to UKM.
And lots of peeps went there to visit her last night.

The room was too small for 13 ppl inside so we decided went down for starbucks.
Luckily havent close before every shop in the hospital must close before 9pm.
So sad.

We ordered a cup of CARAMEL MACCHIATO :)
Just for spending time there.

She was so excited before this is the 1st time she went into.

Emelyne was here too :D

Edmund Pang! :P

Teaching her what to put and how to drink HAHAHAHAHA!
And please slowly drink very hot.

So beh song when I drinking her coffee.
Like scare I drink it finish.

HAHAHA! And you know what? I accidently drained whole cup of it on the carpet.

And OPX was like O.O >>> @.@ >>> -_- >>> TT !!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope the starbucks at there wont blacklist us.
Because we din't notice the worker there.
We just use few pieces of tissue covered it and we away stealthy!

We cant stop laughing and the ppl who sat beside us was looking at us like stupidly what happened to these children? zzz

Oppppssss ! What a day ._.


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