
Friday 30 December 2011

Hari Orientation :)

30th of December is our school Orientation day for those new f1 student.
My sis was included in ! MUAHAHAHAAHA! :P

Okay so I awoke at 5.30am because we need to reach school before 6.15am.
We need to prepare everything and do the best for KRS :D
Went to Karmen's house and she was late btw x)

While we otw to school and she only realized her nail polish never remove yet. LOL ! So we had to U-turn back. We were late for 30mins. Hehe! 

All of them are starting to build up everything ^_^ (Y)
Term work is the best always :)

Gossip with her for a while and knew that I was in 5S2.
But Van was in 5S1. Got some disappointed :/
And etc etc :D

Saw their prizes ? :P ! Ours too big so cant take out from room.
Too bad cant show you guys sighhhh! xD

All of them are trying their best ! Wootsssss :D

Please JOIN KRS if you are a new student in SMJK CHONG HWA.
Bet that you won't regret ^_^

Took my FULL-U in last min ! @.@ 
Teacher was not in time :( Rushing all the way mai gosh!

So I had to entertain those parents and new students to PKP :)
Okay smile :))))

I'm A STRONG KRS'S GIRL :D *winkswinks!

 All about KRS. I miss those time when we are only F1 F2 in KRS.
HAHA! Now getting older. F5 already :(

 Mandy and Qian Ling :)

Man Er and Bee Ying :)

 Ang Ang! Yes he came school today. Joining us randomly.
Muahahaha! Today he very leng zaii idk why maybe his hair are the reason x)
*thinking what respond will he give when seeing this :P

This is our stall ^_^ ! Not the best but the lovely one (Y)

Karmen aka Pengerusi of KRS x)

 We sat at the pondok and chatting while waiting those headmasters giving speech zzz ! So damn long omg -.-

I saw many funny photos inside LOL!

They build this thing used the whole morning and finally success ! HAHA (Y)

She is my new tablemate in 2012 :D

He is my new classmate in 2012 tooooo! :D

*jeng jeng !!! ^_^ The list of 5S2 OMG OMG OMG!
Thks god for letting me stay in 5S2 ! DAMN HAPPY WHEEE ^_^
Almost the whole class are my friends. SAME CHANNEL one! 
Muahahahaha :3 :3 !

Looking forward into 2012 all of a sudden seriously no joke.
Last year in high school. We must make it awesome till the max!
Imma thinking how's life after SPM , where should we go and bla bla bla.
LMAO! Okayyy! Now only hope our teacher will be good to us.

 Jason and Jessie x)

 Walking around whole day and trying to affect new students into KRS :P

We meet some barbarous parents! zzz And they are discussing it. 

Kadet Polis. Here to help you propaganda abit :P ! xixi

Ini LEE HONG GUAN #likeaboss :D

Saw some of them were marching #likeaboss.
So we decided too! :D omg long time never marching dy so excited.
Of course never improve too! ._.

Our cacat commander *oppsss! Not my false to take this pic :/

Get ready to show our 'power' but failed :(
We should really practice more and more!

 Hello all of them are interest with it ^_^ Seeeeee! 

Marching #LikeALouSai Muahaahhaah!

Tepok Tepok Periud ! *YENG!


Trying to show how white her teeth is :)

After marching cam-whored all the way.

 Shi Hong and Jessie :)

We ended up here @ 12.30pm.
After that sat van's car to 2nd round. We going for BADMINTON !
Since long time never touch it.

His dad dropped us @ JJB. Booked the court.
Decided walked to CHATIME for our high tea 1st. LMAO!

Passed two big road! woohoooooo! ^_^

And this is what we saw when we reached @.@
So damn much peeps as now during their promotion time.
Queue soooooooooooo LONG :(

So we went to OCHADO just beside Chatime.
Hehe actually I prefer OCHADO more than Chatime :)
Why no GONG CHA here TT !


Ordered 6 cups. And waited soooooo long wth ._.

^_^ !

Btw I'm seriously no joke hungry until my stomach starting to get pain TT
Since I don't have my breakfast until 2pm.

Met Jason , Ken Li etc at CHATIME. Beside us.
HAHA They are queuing :P

This is the promotion -.-

*NICE ONE! Jason accidently took it and I accidently blocked JC's face.

Went DE ASIAN CAFE with Jessie. My stomach cant tahan anymore TT
So two of us went there while all of them still waiting their OCHADO.

I'm broke currently. So I'm finding the cheapest foods but failed too -.-

Kuey Tioh for RM8.90 !

Nasi goreng for RM5.50 !

Phoned Troy and called them come to meet us :)

All of them are waiting two of us to finish! HAHA Okayyy sorewwww :P

Yu Bing and Troy :)

 Troy and Shi Hong! Ini boy masuk 5S1 ohhhh! O_O ! 

Badminton #likeaboss ! 
We gonna play for 2 hours (Y)

 Yi Changgggggg! HAHA :D

Ah Ring and Jessie ^_^

See what they did. And imagining how pro are them x)

Played 1 hour non-stop with them.
And my hand muscle started to pain after that.

Btw see what is he doing ._. ! ROFL!

Hong Guan and 那個很靚仔又不lanci很厲害打球的 :P

Ah Ring. He is wearing his scout uniform O OH O OH! XD

The 38-ness people of the day ! ^_^

Mum came and fetched me at 3.30pm as I gonna go for my tuition at 5pm.
My badminton fever still not yet off ! HAHA

Btw at last I choose to skip my tuition zzz
Because I seriously cant move on and sleepy max TT
What a tiring day :/

But still it is A NICE DAY to me! I'm very HAPPY ! Hehehehe!
I need your LUCK for everything :3


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