
Wednesday 28 December 2011

Suria Jaya.

27.12.2011 ! Finally we back to tuition after A LONG LONG HOLIDAY!
HAHA (Y) !

We decided to go Suria Jaya for trying class. It is free :)
Yea SURIA. After a year I back to there.
Still thinking should I join back them. Or continue SETIA.
Hmmmmmmm! Btw, this few days we will still continue joining their class as it is FOC :D

Yesterday joined Biology and Chemistry class.
Not Bad ! Seriously. At least I learned lots :D
Hehe ! ^_^ 

Oh yea if you wanna try class too, can ask me for the timetable :)

 I bought everything and prepare to school already :P
LMAO! Today just bought my pens used RM50 -.-
Stupid I SERIOUSLY freaking BROKE now TT

Hwating this friday to come :3
God please bless me. #2012wish Please let me stay in 5S2!


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