
Saturday 10 December 2011


This is about 9th of december (FRIDAY) TGIF! 
But for me because it is holiday so no much different between monday to sunday. HAHAHA! :D

My mum went out for work whole day! YES !! WHOLE DAY.
Morning till evening. So only me and sis in home.
Guess what? We decided dail MCD DELIVERY for our lunch.
HAHAHA! As I never call any delivery before :/

Google search for the #. And blah blah blah.
Waited for 20mins and finally reached. LOL!

So expensive. 2 sets for RM25++ ! :/
I tot RM5.95 for each set -.-

Ohhh and I did bath @ afternoon 12. 
This is what will happen when no parents are in home ^_^

So lovely :3 I LOVE MCD ^_^

Afternoon, OWS went here and bring us to visit grandma.
Her sick became worse :(  ! Aleluyah.
And we accompany her in hospital until NIGHT !

Emelyne etc came toooooo! Whole family members there!
I love the feel.
 And I swear my grandpa and grandma is the sweetest couple ever I saw. 
No joke :3


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