
Thursday 3 March 2011

3th of the march .

 Heeee ! It was BI class . No heart to listen @ all .
I was keep thinking about you D:
Sometimes i hate you so much .

Dang dang! surprise that why JESSIE was here right ?!!
Same as me while i saw her ! :D
Hope you enjoy in the class! hahahahaha
 我不会为了你做傻事 你傻的咩?!! 7 SIN ! -_____- !

Itu jin pei very xx one ! hahahahaha!

 Always i need them to help me . abo i will seriously fall asleep in the class =/

表面上是很开心 笑得很灿烂 但其实心里是不是真的开心 还是个未知数。

Why you wanna say HI to me ? 
Why you wanna say bye bye to me ? arghhhhhh!

说了再见就不要再见。 为什么还要偷走我的心? :P
 Jin pei drew one! sighhhh! still like a small girl like that x)

Lately very FRIEND with she liao ! dunno why . 

I'm strong when i am on your shoulder . 

人若缺乏爱 不管穿多厚的衣服 也会觉得冷。
要管理人之前 首先要管理好自己的情绪。

OPY please rmb what had you promised urself !!
Dun be so SILLY kay ? ;)

Congratz to SZF ! wow wow wow wow !
All the best and gud luck ! heeeeeee :D

And also happy belated bufday to YTM ! 
waiting the present's picha ya . will upload soon .

Kay gtg . rushing to do my literature ! 
Today most YENG ONE! Whole class no do hw . 
hahahaha! macam jalan fashion show like that outside the class.

sorry teacher ! oppppsssssss :P 

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