
Saturday 5 March 2011

A dead saturday !

As i said , today got activity.
So i awoke @ 6.30am ! Just like a skuling day =/

Same as usual . Kawad and Ran .
Hmm , 1st time i felt so san fu and pening. Felt like vomit but cant!
GG! Really so suffer  =S *DEAD!

Sometimes i seriously hate my kadet's activity.
Just dunno why , they like to suffer ppl UNDER THE BIG RED SUN!
And my face was sun burn of cos ! TT

I memang goin to shout out o0o !
And many mosquitos today . WTF!
GET MAD at all ! arghhhhh! I dun1 join the competition !
I HATE IT ALOT! okay fine byei.

So i leave there as fast as i could 
. I will get moody if i continue stay there.
Hate everyone of them ! Just a min :P

11.30am - walked to MCD after i changed my clothes with van =)
Felt much more better !

Yes! very excited ! finally got activity of MILKY GREEN!

Sitting inside the MCD sambil waiting those guys.

HAHA! cute right ? He's my little brodaa x)

So ... waited almost 30 mins . 
Van's dad reached . Thk you uncle for fetching me :)

Some random pichas below . 

1pm , started our 1st class MILKY GREEN lesson!
wow wow wow . HAD FUN!

Keep dancing there and many sweat were keep coming out!

Seriously very fun lor ! Especially the music time !
WAHAHAHAHAHA! :P lame . everyone were so cute at that time =)

The 2nd games was quiet SUFFER TOO! My leg cant walk now .
But i learned many things today ! About drama :D

So here i end up with a pair of xx leg ! -___-

TIRED TILL MAX ! Long time dint did it ! Not bad !
I'm strong ! :P

Goin out dinner soon although it's raining outside .


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