
Wednesday 9 March 2011

Little Girl 's bufday.

It was 8/3/2011 - and also our GIRL's BIG DAY! :P
We call this day as 妇女节 in chinese ! 

I skipped my tuition class . Because had dinner @ night.
So i reached home about 6pm . We need to arrive subang before 8pm.

 3/8 - Ng Yi 1 year old birthday ! :D

So had dinner @ there . And skip my dinner part .
Let's talk about HER BUFDAY CAKE ! hahahaha! 

 AH POOH one ehhhhhh! RM200 for the cake .
Seriously beautiful ! Still rmb that i got my BARBIE DOLL cake when i'm small too! :P hahahaha!

 Everyone were wishing the baby girl =) And she is so happy!
Although she still crying . hehe!

 Happy birthday to you , 
Happy birthday to you ,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you ! :D
Okay , so random picture below .

 Her grandpa and grandma ! :D

 Everybody were just waiting she blow her cake :P

 Her mummy and daddy :)

 She is a active girl ! LOL

The 1 year old princess ;)

 Home sweet home @ 12am =S

And here i end up with ah pooh. A simply celebration for her .

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