
Friday 25 March 2011

so sick =(

As you know , my exam was over today ! YESSSSSSSSSS!
I'm freeeeeeee now! *SCREAMING!

But i dun fell happy at all. IDK WHY. Maybe i'm too sick.
Maybe i'm sad of my result. Hmmph ...
I'm sure that my result will be very worst or even FAIL! -.-

After skul , went club DIY with Jessie and Xmiin.
We bake chicken puff ! wow wow wow! :D


SICK ! SICK ! SICK ! But you never know i need your care D:
Suffering those pain alone . 

头痛 发冷发热 吃不下 想呕 全身没有力 伤风 ... 
Is it H1N1 ?! -__- ! gosh wth is ._.
I think i really need to go hospital soon. Apa la ni.
Just finished suffer from the  stupid exam , now suffer from sick.
Arghhhhhhh PEK CEK !

Goin back taiping 2moro. Balik Kampung! Very sad.
Why ? 1st, i cant go genting for joining the 颁奖典礼!
Got who ? LEE HOM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOHHHHHH! D:

2nd, i cant join Hui Li's sweet 16 birthday party! How sad was it?!
Walao i want goooooooooooo! D:

3rd, i cant join Melaka one day trip with FKM,Jin Pei them.

Balik kampung for what? Ching Ming ! :S
Why the timer so gam one ?!!!! @.@
 HAHAHAHA! My bag ! x) <3 *i hope laaa -__-
Tuition today. I had a bad time there.
Headache until my head gonna burst!
Felt like goin to faint anytime. Especially under the sun.


Tumblr ! hahahaha! i want go active it as OSX! :P

Dun say you love me.
Dun say you hate me.
Just keep it silent ! :)

I miss your call =(
What happened to you, i'm worrying.
But you never know.

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