
Saturday 19 March 2011

6J'07 Gathering 18/3

Went to Ampang Waterfall Korea Stone BBQ Steamboat @ night.
Actually got 2 aim , the 1st was celebrate my sis's bufday.
The 2nd was our primary skul gathering ! wheeeeee :D
 otw ... it's still early =)



 and daddyyyyyyyy!

 My sista's friendssss! HAHHAHAHA! CUTE !

 Still waiting them to reach!

 My sista's table . 7 of them . Very noisy a! :P

 My parents's table! LMAO! Yes , they wanna eat there too -__-


 And yeshhh! This is our table! 2 tables join together. 

 enjoying with them =)

 steamboat =)


 Special for thau hong! hahaha ur taufu aaaa :P

 Actually i ate very less only . Too excited? LOL!

 She is trying to put back all the foods that left! :P
Cause have to pay RM5 for every 100g food if you wasted.

 Bufday cake for my sista. Chocolate banana =/ YUCK! for me.

 they sang the bufday song very 'loud' hahahahah!


Now is cam-whore pichass.
 Evelyn :)

 Siong zaii ! :)
Wasted my money to called he . to beg he come! hng!

 HAHA! he was like very scare ! =/////

 Ong Lai !

 She is not fat at all my dear.

 Shet Yee! Our class monitor =)

 Pui Kwan! awww really long time no see . 4 years ago?

 Soo Hui! She become talkative liao ! haha

 Khai Jie , Hmmmmm, Finally he is same height with me! :P
ulalalala .

 Our class monitor too! always 抄我们的名 !!! >.<
You see his eyes , wanna kill me like that x)

 hahahahahah! sozai ! :P

 YEA! My tablemate ! he very nice one aaa! :D noisy too x0

 ice kacang! 

 Group photo take 1 <3

 Group photo take 2 ! <3

 HAHAHA! stupid !! keep laughing non stop.

 finally ! hahahhaa! :P

Leng luiiisssss x)

 Time to bil =( awwwww! 舍不得你们 TT

when is our next gathering ? Not after 1 years kay? :P
Had a wonderful night with them . Enjoyed the dinner very much.
I belived that everyone of you too !

I will miss you guyss always :) Take k!

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