
Saturday 19 March 2011

Happy Birthday to my tablemate !

HAHA! Don't get shock when i posting this out kay?

Too bad you're not telling me your birthday is reaching that time!
I still felt very guilty to you aaaaa! stupid stupid! =(
I wanna give you present! I wanna sing birthday song for you!
I wanna celebrate birthday with you ! I wanna give you a surprise . 
But i guess all of them will be FAILED ! 

aikkksssssssss! You no tell me when is your birthday date before.
Not my false! hehe! But dun worry . I WILL RMB IT NOW!
20th of March ! :D whee wang wang.

Okay. You're very noisy in class ! And i miss all the time with you =(
I miss my primary life tooooooo!

想念我们一起赶功课 想念我们一起作弊 想念我们一起被老师罚站
想念我们一起被老师打 想念我们一起被老师骂 想念我们一起偷做功课
想念我们一起玩闹 想念我们一起笑 想念我们一起做过得所有事情!

Better you don't forgot it ! You must keep in ur brain!
As a sweeet memory forever ! :P
This is an ORDER ! You must obay it x)

We lost our contact when we went to form1.
But maybe was the fate , we found each other through fb.
I think that time was form 2 right? 
And i found back all my primary's friends tooo!
It's so cool!  :D

The 1st time gathering was @ TS . Seriously it's an awesome outing.
The 1st time i went ROLLER man! How can you belive it?! x)
And my leg was get hurt too D: PAIN!

And you still rmb the sakai ? haha! asked me when i wanna married? :P
Aiya i knew laa , you will protected me maa! :) *winks!

Nahhhhh you see , the gudnite for me everynight since last year! WAAA!
THK YOU YO! But why no gud morning one? :P hahahha joke joke.
I received it and kept in my heart ! :D no worries.
Keep it up ya! LMAO!

Hmm , you must smile more kay? And enjoy ur life!
Be happy everyday like me! You knew i love to laugh right? :P

But seriously idk i laughed everyday in class while in primary skul.
YOU LAAAAAAA! AIKSSSS always make me laugh ? x)

Oh ya , not forgot that you are PRO in math , science and badminton!
Those teachers always praise you . 

I miss the time with you , 林德祥 and 曾方礼! 4 of us! 
Laugh like the world goin to end! hahahaha!
AND you 3 like to bully me one =(

Lastly , take k ! And keep in touch! ILY.
You will be in my heart forever ! :D *dun think too much laa.
As a very very very BEST FRIEND! =)

Promise will celebrate ur birthday with 6J'07 next year x)
And once again ,

Selamat Hari Jadi !
Sheng Ri Fai Lok!
생일 축하

<3 ! Miss me more ! 

From ONG PUI YAN! :)

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