
Monday 28 March 2011

Ching Ming.

A post about my ching ming jie @ taiping :)

It's a early morning, i awoke @ 5am and went for my breakfast.
After that, go ching ming lor !
Walao i tell you, Taiping ching ming is just as lively as pasar malam
-____- ! geng dao ...

I tot will very boring one :P

My grandpa's grandpa . And my grandpa's father !
IDK what should i call them. =S

Many mosquito ehhhhh! ._.

firecracker ! wow wow wow :D 
 I almost can saw it everywhere. Included ourself.
 Nice one! ;D

After that , i go pasar! YES I GO PASAR -.-
And captured a photo for shen xian! Special for he only :P
 Nahhhhh geng lehhhhh! hahahahahahahahahaha!

 @ Jacky Looi house . Gossip .

 Went to gu po's house too.
 Taiping life. You know , quite boring. 
Keep msg with ppl only. No astro!

 Actually he is scolding me -.-

 Cat and Dog !! :S

 He drive his motor again =/ 

That time was showing the MY FM ban jiang dian li LIVE!
I was sooooooo MOODY AND DOWN!
Because cant watch it! LEE HOM DEAR! D:

And i accidently saw A msg that maked me more and more MOODY!
WALAO A ._. * cried! TT
 Hehehehehehe! This year's birthday present!

Although i never sit on a motor before -_____-

Simple life @ there. 1 day passed very fast.
Reached Kl @ evening! :)

Do you know what's means of a LENG ZAII ? 

HE KISSED SHE !!!! HE KISSED SHE !!! wtff =(((

Anyways , I'm proud of youuuuuu BABYYYY! :D

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