
Sunday 5 June 2011


05/06 - SUNDAY ! 

Had my lunch @ SAKURA CAFE @ KL with my family.
Total ate : RM238.50 ! Just for a lunch! HAHA!
My dad sot liaooooooo :/

 After that , we went SG WANG .
I wanna bought my hairband . I lost it at THAILAND !
Duhhhhhhhh ._.

 Guess what ? I accidently meet him. DAVE! HAHA!
He is having his mini concert on the stage.
At 1st , i was thinking ... hmm who is that ?! 
I heard his name before. In radio.

 At last i knew , he is goin to organize a concert @ 新纪元
Dunno when @.@ He is trying to give out those ticket.
Macam very cham like that . SIGH!

His song ... NOT BAD ! :D
Seriously. Go google search he ba ! No worry.
I still love my lee hom , lam fung and rynn always <3

 They were playing game . Dance =/
LOL ! 

Goin to dinner later with family again =S

I wanna update many postsssss! 
I have no time , and i'm trying my besttttt !
Gimme some timessssss please.

stay turned .

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