
Thursday 30 June 2011

Science Week Part I

27th of June - 1st of July .
It's science week in our school. I'm one of the peserta of the competition.
Firstly I tot just a simple pameran @ skul.
And my aim to join is because I dun1 stay in the class.

HAHA! Awwwww I'm so lucky and happy x)
Luckily I joinned! huhu! A really really great experience for me.

We had ' FROG DISSECTION ' as our title.
We killed total 9 frogs in this few days @.@
OMGEEEEEEE! x( *Felt so sorry .

Okay let's photos do talking :)

All about the FROG! Make sure you OPEN up your EYES! x)

Puan Chai and Puan Linet is seeing how we goin to kill the frog x)
WOW! I like to be a KILLER ! :P

Beside that, S1 got their FISH DISSECTION tooo! :)

Back to flog! x) LOL!

It's heart still keep pumping although already been killed like this.

And I really felt greattttt! :P

At last , we buried it @ our padang .
Ewwwww! Be careful people ! :P

Will be continue soon ...

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