
Sunday 19 June 2011

Randommmm !

Friends will forever stay beside you whenever you need them :)
THK YOU! Thks for being my listener when i'm sad .
Especially the girls ! *heart you all so much ! <3

The blur blur one ! LOL can you guess what we trying to do ?

Those sakai ! -.- Like to spam people's wall !
LIKE HIM ! DANIEL NG ! Hahahhahaha!
Do whatever you like , as long as you happy and no emo ! :)

Lame ! I saw this when I hang out with family @ last week!
I was shocked! HAHA ! 
I think many people will buy this because of the 'yanyan' !
WOW! Am i so famous ? :P

I met this when we went tuition @ ah teoh's there.
The lift . Scary man!! ._.
Dunno why suddenly appeared this 'JX' . What's means huh ?

That day i fell down from basikal one ! -.-
Now recovered . But i still rmb how pain it is =/

Huhu! Chocolate from airport . That day I came back from Thai one.
I finished it in 1 day == sorryyyyyyyy! I should buy more i think.
Next time!!! :D

Bio class tuition @ monday . HAHA!
Jin Pei and meeeee! See what style we sat ? :P
Chu luu ohhhhhhhhh! But we like ! x)

Wu Qi Ren! Lmao! Now everyone love there ._.
Almost every plan also got this place one . 
The 1st time we went . Really not bad. 
I means the games but not those foods.
Foods were suck! Seriously.

The 1st time I wear the camp's shirt! With their signs ! :D
Felt so awesome and nice ! Love it so much! :)

Lastly , I found this pic inside my mum's hp . 
When I was form 2 i think . HAHA! 

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