
Thursday 23 June 2011

Grandma Desert .

Tuesday after school , went computer class.
After 1 month plus , finally we back to our pc class again!
LMAO! Teacher was not free during that day. So we on whatever we like.
Playing facebook and keep spaming people's wall.
Doin lame things always :P

After that, dated beng beng and jessie . 
Yam cha @ prima but dunno where ._. HAHA!
Finally we decided to a cafe name 'GRANDMA DESERT'
A new opening shop :) Something like snowflakes.

UFO ! xixi ! The stupid Jessie , very luiiiii one!
Shocked and keep shouting like dunno what's goin on while the 'ufo' vibrating.

Mine one ! Not bad can try again next time :D

Jessie's one ! wheeeee!

Beng Beng's one . He cant drink cold drinks. Sick wor! :/

Okay random pics below :)

 COPY's eating look :P

Beng Beng eating looks :P *dun kill me! xD

Jessie! Like eat till very san fu ._.

I miss our form 2 moment! D:
Leave JASON TAN! He need duty so cant join us.

He still so childish! hahahahahahahahaha x)

And Jessie still so 38 ! :P 

He was keep ignoring us . Who like to capture he so much :P

Chatted so much with them <3
About our changer life . And many many stuff.
Memory :) Hmm , not bad i love the feel so much! IMY !

HAHA! We very digusting . We knew ! xD
AND SHHHHHHHHHHHHH! better keep as secret! 

We are so digusting , but we still love each so much!
HAHAHA! XD wheeeeeeeee!

Finally can saw his teeth! -______- 

Had a nice day with them again yooooo! I wanna back to FORM 2!
Heart talk maaa :P Beng Beng need update his news soon x)
And keep in touch always .

Before I end this post , let see this hardworking's guy! :P
ROFL! Waaaa very concentrate hor ?!

But actually : 

Will update again when I free . Stay tuned ! :D


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