
Sunday 5 June 2011

A special post for FKM :)

Helloooo ! :D 
HAHA Don't you get shocked when you saw the photo above ?
It's 2 years ago i think . when we were still a little girl x)
Form 2 i think . Juggle Trekking :P

We get closer and closer this year . Because you live nearby my house.
So we always goes to school , activity or tuition together .
Or even OUTING :)

Yea, You're are nice , lovely , friendly and sweety . *winks!
Dun happy until tonight cant fall asleep yooooo x)
She such a good friend to me for heart talk.
She can help me solve my problem with intellect.

We love to play , act , laugh , 38 or cry :P
Because we are sot gang's member . HAHA!

She is clever in her study yoooo! Dun play play xD
But we always fall asleep during tuition class.
So we always sit together one :P

And today is her SWEET 16 BIG DAY !

ILY <3 

Stay pretty and awesome !  Smile more kay ?
Dun easily get moody liao laa. Cheer up!
You still got US ! Always right beside you.

I'm so soreeewwww that I cant attend tonight!
Seriously felt very sorryyyyyyy D:
Enjoy ur night kay ? although without me :P

I will keep ur present for you no worry x)

And stay happy with your boy. Itu eyes on you.
He very sampat one i tell you .
He put his birthday @ facebook is today ohhhh! COPY YOU!
And BLUF ppl somemore ! BAD GUY horrrrrr?!!! x(

Luckily i clever never kena tipu by him . 
I dun1 say happy birthday to he aaa! BLEUK! :P

Last but not least , I'm great that have you this sista in my life =)
You too kay ? XD ! 

Heeeeeeeeee! Dream come trueeeeeeeee !

And Best Friend Forever <3 !

*Dun cry out because too touch yooo! :P
I know you know can liao laaaa x)

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