
Thursday 9 June 2011

I gotta go again ...

Yea , after today , i gotta leave my house again . 
Gonna in CAMP for 3 days 2 nights.
Should be 2 days 1 night only. I will be back @ saturday night x(
HOW SADDDDDDDDDD! Argghhhhhhhhhhhhhh TT
Because i goin to attend a wedding. My cousin's wedding .

SIGH! I dunno which dress should i wear to the wedding dinner.
And many cousins goin to stay @ my house @ saturday night.
Luckily i'm not at home! wheeeeee *evil laugh

Friday - CAMP
Saturday - CAMP
Sunday - Whole day outside for the wedding.
Monday - SCHOOL REOPEN !!! 

No more time for me to blogging i think =(
And of cause , no more time for me to do my homeworks.
As I knew I wont do it by today ! x)

我不打算做功课 直到开学了哦 :)

Gonna pack my school bag later . 
Gonna pack my luggage later .
Gonna call Jessie later for asking what to bring 2moro.
Gonna clean up my holiday mood and prepare for school reopen.

New timetable of the tuition make me headache.
So start from next week , every wednesday should i back home?
Friday what time should I be back ? =/ 

Nowadays twitter is more popular .
More and More ppl is using now . Hmmph ...
Like no more secret there ? x( Tumblrrrrr! x)

My finger nails is long long long long now ! :P

Okay ! I shall be very EXCITED now !!! 
Because camp is 2moro ! 2moro babyyyyy !!!!
But why ? Macam no feel one ? x(

2 weeks holidayss GONNA PASSED like this !!!!!!! TT
Mama I want 2 weeks more holidays! PLEASE X(
What i did in this holidays ? HAHA HAHA HAHA !
Outing onlyyyyyyyy.

Tooooo bad i never never open up my book and read.
ONCE ALSO NOOOOOOOOO! Aiya don't tell me you got! ;P
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! XD

Stay turned ya people ! I will update if I could !

I wanna enjoy my last 3 days holiday in the campppppppp!
And the wedding day :) 

xoxo <3

When you look me in the eyes, and tell me you love me, I know it's true and I'll never get enough of you.

Missing you is my hobby, caring for you is my job, making you happy is my duty, and loving you is my life.

I fall, I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I learn, I've been hurt but I'm alive. I'm human, I'm not perfect but I'm thankful.

Time passes, memories fade, feelings change, people leave but hearts never forget.

Goodbye without reasons is the most painful one but love without reasons is the most wonderful one.

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